QPALM 1.2.1
Proximal Augmented Lagrangian method for Quadratic Programs
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Carray_elementArray to sort in linesearch
 Cqpalm::DataStores the matrices and vectors that define the problem
 Cqpalm_fiface::qpalm_fortranInvoke the QPALM solver
 Cqpalm_fiface::qpalm_infoInfo derived type with component defaults bound to C’s QPALMInfo
 Cqpalm_fiface::qpalm_settingsSettings derived type with component defaults bound to C’s QPALMSettings
 Cqpalm::alloc::qpalm_workspace_cleanerCallable that cleans up the given workspace
 CQPALMDataData structure
 CQPALMInfoSolver return information
 CQPALMScalingProblem scaling matrices stored as vectors
 CQPALMSettingsSettings struct
 Cqpalm::SettingsSettings and parameters for the QPALM solver
 CQPALMSolutionSolution structure
 CQPALMSolverVariables for linear system solving
 CQPALMWorkspaceQPALM Workspace
 Cqpalm::SolutionViewView on the solution returned by the solver
 Cqpalm::SolverMain QPALM solver