66#define mat_inf_norm_cols ladel_infinity_norm_columns
67#define mat_inf_norm_rows ladel_infinity_norm_rows
Custom memory allocation, print and utility functions, and data types for floats and ints.
void ldlsolveLD_neg_dphi(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Solve the linear system .
void kkt_update_leaving_constraints(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Perform a factorization update for the leaving constraints.
void qpalm_form_kkt(QPALMWorkspace *work)
Form the KKT system .
void mat_vec(solver_sparse *A, solver_dense *x, solver_dense *y, solver_common *c)
Matrix-vector multiplication.
void qpalm_set_factorization_method(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Choose the linear systems solver method based on the problem data sizes.
void ldldowndate_leaving_constraints(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Downdate the factorization given a set of leaving constraints.
void ldlupdate_sigma_changed(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Update the factorization given a set of indexes where has been updated.
void kkt_update_entering_constraints(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Perform a factorization update for the entering constraints.
void ldlcholQAtsigmaA(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Calculate factorization of , with and the set of active constraints.
void mat_tpose_vec(solver_sparse *A, solver_dense *x, solver_dense *y, solver_common *c)
Matrix-transpose-vector multiplication.
void ldlchol(solver_sparse *M, QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Calculate factorization of a matrix .
void kkt_solve(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Solve the KKT system .
void qpalm_reform_kkt(QPALMWorkspace *work)
Reform the KKT system (i.e.
void ldlupdate_entering_constraints(QPALMWorkspace *work, solver_common *c)
Update the factorization given a set of entering constraints.
Internal data structures used in QPALM.
ladel_double solver_dense
ladel_sparse_matrix solver_sparse