alpaqa 1.0.0a17
Nonconvex constrained optimization
No Matches
IndexSet< Conf > Member List

This is the complete list of members for IndexSet< Conf >, including all inherited members.

compl_indices(index_t i) constIndexSet< Conf >inline
compute_complement(std::span< const index_t > in, std::span< index_t > out)IndexSet< Conf >inlinestatic
compute_complement(std::span< const index_t > in, std::span< index_t > out, length_t n)IndexSet< Conf >inlinestatic
compute_complement(crindexvec in, rindexvec out, length_t n)IndexSet< Conf >inlinestatic
compute_complement(std::span< const index_t > in, index_t *out, length_t n)IndexSet< Conf >inlineprivatestatic
IndexSet(length_t N, length_t n)IndexSet< Conf >inline
indices()IndexSet< Conf >inline
indices() constIndexSet< Conf >inline
indices(index_t i) constIndexSet< Conf >inline
NIndexSet< Conf >
nIndexSet< Conf >
sizes()IndexSet< Conf >inline
sizes() constIndexSet< Conf >inline
storageIndexSet< Conf >
update(const F &condition)IndexSet< Conf >inline