Code quality and compliance: - [ ] Make sure there is adequate testing. - [ ] Run `make COV=1 cov`; inspect the results - [ ] Run `cppcheck` - [ ] All unit tests pass on [travis CI]( - [ ] ... and on [Appveyor]( - [ ] Valgrind does not return any errors (`make run-tests-mem`) - [ ] The profiler (`make PF=1 profile`) works - [ ] The Python interface compiles and works correctly - [ ] The MEX interface works properly - [ ] All necessary files (e.g., images) have been committed - [ ] `make docs` does not report any errors/warnings - [ ] Inspect the documentation - [ ] The version number has been updated in the C code, - [ ] ... and in Doxygen (`Doxyfile`) - [ ] ... and in Docker (`Dockerfile`) - [ ] Docker image builds successfully - [ ] Docker hub has been updated - [ ] A pull request has preferably been created - [ ] Changelog has been updated - [ ] Make sure there are no important [issues]( - [ ] Check out [Trello](