Processing math: 100%
SuperSCS  1.3.2
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Installation guide

Linux and MacOSX


Before you proceed, make sure the following dependencies are installed:

if you intend to use SuperSCS via its python interface, you also need to install

In Linux run

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev
sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy


First, you need to download SuperSCS from the github repo of SuperSCS, or use the command:

git clone ''
cd scs/

Installation runs as simple as


Once make finishes, the library files will be in out/.

If you want to run the tests, do

make run-test

If, additionally, you want to run the tests and perform a memory check using valgrind, do

make run-test-mem

For more advanced options, type in your terminal

make help

Docker image

Docker is the simplest and most reliable way to install SuperSCS.

The engine of SuperSCS, the C library, can be installed using the image kulforbes/superscs.

Install it running:

docker pull kulforbes/superscs

If you haven't installed docker, do so by following this guide.

You may then run the docker image and access it using an interactive terminal by running

docker run -it kulforbes/superscs

All that is necessary to run SuperSCS in C has been installed.

Compiling with SuperSCS is as simple as

gcc superscs_test.c -o superscs_test -lscsindir -lblas -llapack -lm



To install SuperSCS in MATLAB, you need to build a MEX interface.


cd matlab;

This should work. If not, please report an issue.


Necessary steps:

Here is an example of an LP problem

A(1,1) = 0.3; A(4,1) = -0.5;
A(2,2) = 0.7; A(4,2) = 0.9; A(3,3) = 0.2;
A = sparse(A);
n = size(A,2);
b = [0.2; 0.1; -0.1; 0.1];
c = [1;-2;-3];
cvx_solver scs
cvx_solver_settings('eps', 1e-8, 'do_super_scs', 1, 'rho_x', 1,...
'direction', 100, 'memory', 50);
variable x(n);
dual variable y;
minimize( x'*x + c' * x );
subject to
y : A * x <= b;

We have chosen the SuperSCS mode with \rho_x=1, the restarted Broyden direction and memory equal to 50.

We have set the tolerance to 10^{-8}.

In case you encounter any problems, please report an issue.

This a pre-alpha unstable version, so there might be issues.
For example, cvx_precision is not supported (you have to use cvx_solver_settings('eps',...)).


In order to install the SuperSCS module for Python, cd to python/ and run with the argument install:

cd python/
(sudo) python install

You will then be able to import superscs into your Python code.

Further documentation for the Python module can be found here.