ladel_int c_int
type for integer numbers
ladel_double c_float
type for floating point numbers
void vec_add_scaled(const c_float *a, const c_float *b, c_float *c, c_float sc, size_t n)
Scaled addition of one vector to another vector, .
c_float * vec_copy(const c_float *a, size_t n)
Copy vector a into output.
void vec_ew_min_vec(const c_float *a, const c_float *b, c_float *c, size_t n)
Elementwise minimum between vectors, .
void vec_mult_scalar(const c_float *a, c_float sc, c_float *b, size_t n)
Mulitply vector with a constant scale factor and store in a different vector.
void vec_set_scalar(c_float *a, c_float sc, size_t n)
Fill float vector with a scalar value.
void vec_ew_max_vec(const c_float *a, const c_float *b, c_float *c, size_t n)
Elementwise maximum between vectors, .
void vec_ew_div(const c_float *a, const c_float *b, c_float *c, size_t n)
Elementwise division, .
void vec_set_scalar_int(c_int *a, c_int sc, size_t n)
Fill int vector with a scalar value.
void vec_mult_add_scaled(c_float *a, const c_float *b, c_float sc1, c_float sc2, size_t n)
Scaled addition of one vector to another vector, both being scaled, .
void vec_self_mult_scalar(c_float *a, c_float sc, size_t n)
Mulitply vector with a constant scale factor.
void vec_ew_mid_vec(const c_float *a, const c_float *bmin, const c_float *bmax, c_float *c, size_t n)
Elementwise mid between vectors, .
void vec_ew_prod(const c_float *a, const c_float *b, c_float *c, size_t n)
Elementwise product, .
c_float vec_prod(const c_float *a, const c_float *b, size_t n)
Inner product between two vectors, .
c_float vec_norm_two(const c_float *a, size_t n)
2-norm of a vector, .
void prea_vec_copy(const c_float *a, c_float *b, size_t n)
Copy vector a into preallocated vector b.
c_float vec_norm_inf(const c_float *a, size_t n)
Infinity norm of a vector, .
void prea_int_vec_copy(const c_int *a, c_int *b, size_t n)
Copy integer vector a into preallocated vector b.
void vec_ew_recipr(const c_float *a, c_float *b, size_t n)
Elementwise reciprocal .
void vec_ew_sqrt(const c_float *a, c_float *b, size_t n)
Elementwise square root, .
Interface and wrapper to matrix/factorization (ladel) functions.
Internal data structures used in QPALM.