QPALM 1.1.2
Proximal Augmented Lagrangian method for Quadratic Programs
include Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for include:


file  constants.h [code]
 Constants used in QPALM.
file  global_opts.h [code]
 Custom memory allocation, print and utility functions, and data types for floats and ints.
file  iteration.h [code]
 QPALM main solver routines.
file  lin_alg.h [code]
 Linear algebra with vectors.
file  linesearch.h [code]
 Routines to perform exact linesearch.
file  newton.h [code]
 Functions to calculate the semismooth Newton direction.
file  nonconvex.h [code]
 Routines to deal with nonconvex QPs.
file  qpalm.h [code]
 QPALM main solver API.
file  scaling.h [code]
 Problem data scaling during setup.
file  solver_interface.h [code]
 Interface and wrapper to matrix/factorization (ladel) functions.
file  termination.h [code]
 Routines to check the termination and infeasibility criteria.
file  types.h [code]
 Internal data structures used in QPALM.
file  util.h [code]
 Utility functions.
file  validate.h [code]
 Validation of the user provided settings and data.