QPALM 1.2.0
Proximal Augmented Lagrangian method for Quadratic Programs
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 constants.hConstants used in QPALM
 global_opts.hCustom memory allocation, print and utility functions, and data types for floats and ints
 iteration.hQPALM main solver routines
 lin_alg.hLinear algebra with vectors
 linesearch.hRoutines to perform exact linesearch
 newton.hFunctions to calculate the semismooth Newton direction
 nonconvex.hRoutines to deal with nonconvex QPs
 scaling.hProblem data scaling during setup
 solver_interface.hInterface and wrapper to matrix/factorization (ladel) functions
 termination.hRoutines to check the termination and infeasibility criteria
 types.hInternal data structures used in QPALM
 util.hUtility functions
 validate.hValidation of the user provided settings and data
 qpalm.hQPALM main solver API
 iteration.cQPALM main solver routines
 lin_alg.cLinear algebra with vectors
 linesearch.cRoutines to perform exact or backtracking linesearch
 newton.cFunctions to calculate the semismooth Newton direction
 nonconvex.cRoutines to deal with nonconvex QPs
 qpalm.cQPALM main solver API
 scaling.cProblem data scaling during setup
 solver_interface.cInterface and wrapper to matrix/factorization (ladel) functions
 termination.cRoutines to check the termination and infeasibility criteria
 util.cUtility functions
 validate.cValidation of the user provided settings and data