QPALM 1.2.5
Proximal Augmented Lagrangian method for Quadratic Programs
No Matches
QPALM: Proximal Augmented Lagrangian Solver for (Nonconvex) Quadratic Programs


This is a C implementation of QPALM, a proximal augmented Lagrangian based solver for (possibly nonconvex) quadratic programs. QPALM solves problems of the form:

\begin{align*} & \operatorname*{\mathrm{minimize}}_x & & \tfrac{1}{2}x^\top Q x + q^\top x \\ & \text{subject to} & & b_\mathrm{min} \leq Ax \leq b_\mathrm{max} \end{align*}

Installation instructions


The QPALM Python interface is available from PyPI, you can install it using:

python3 -m pip install qpalm


In the Julia console, press ] to enter the Pkg REPL and install QPALM using:



Pre-built C, C++ and Fortran libraries are available from the releases page.


Pre-built Matlab binaries are available from the releases page. Download the version for your system and extract it into the ~/Documents/MATLAB folder.

As a one-liner in the Matlab console:

unzip(['https://github.com/kul-optec/QPALM/releases/latest/download/qpalm-matlab-' computer('arch') '.zip'], userpath)

Matlab versions R2021a and later are supported (R2023b and later on ARM64).

Building QPALM from source

For the full instructions to build QPALM from source, please see the Installation instructions.

Code examples

Citing QPALM

If you use QPALM in your research, please cite the following paper

author = {Hermans, B. and Themelis, A. and Patrinos, P.},
booktitle = {58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
title = {{QPALM}: {A} {N}ewton-type {P}roximal {A}ugmented {L}agrangian {M}ethod for {Q}uadratic {P}rograms},
year = {2019},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
doi = {},
issn = {},
month = {Dec.},


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