Hanging Chain#
In this example, a mode predictive controller (MPC) is used to stabilize a system of weights connected by springs. The rightmost weight is fixed in place at the origin, whereas the velocity of the leftmost weight can be controlled by an actuator. The six weights in the middle move under the influence of gravity and the forces of the springs between them.
The goal of the controller is to stabilize the system (i.e. drive the velocity of all weights to zero) with the rightmost weight at position \((1, 0)\). Additionally, a non-convex cubic constraint on the weights’ position is imposed, shown in green on the figure below.
1# %% Hanging chain MPC example
3import casadi as cs
4import numpy as np
5from os.path import dirname
6import sys
9from hanging_chain_dynamics import HangingChain
11# %% Build the model
13Ts = 0.05 # Time step [s]
14N = 6 # Number of balls
15dim = 2 # Dimension (2D or 3D)
17model = HangingChain(N, dim, Ts)
18y_null, u_null = model.initial_state() # Initial states and control inputs
20param = [0.03, 1.6, 0.033 / N] # Concrete parameters m, D, L
22# %% Apply an initial control input to disturb the system
24N_dist = 3 # Number of time steps to apply the disturbance for
25u_dist = [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5] if dim == 3 else [-0.5, 0.5] # Disturbance input
26y_dist = model.simulate(N_dist, y_null, u_dist, param) # Model states
27y_dist = np.hstack((np.array([y_null]).T, y_dist)) # (including initial state)
29# %% Simulate the system without a controller
31N_sim = 180 # Number of time steps to simulate for
32y_sim = model.simulate(N_sim, y_dist[:, -1], u_null, param) # Model states
33y_sim = np.hstack((y_dist, y_sim)) # (including disturbed and initial states)
35# %% Define MPC cost and constraints
37N_horiz = 12 # MPC horizon length (number of time steps)
39y_init = cs.MX.sym("y_init", *y_null.shape) # Initial state
40model_params = cs.MX.sym("params", *model.params.shape) # Parameters
41U = cs.MX.sym("U", dim * N_horiz) # Control signals over horizon
42U_mat = model.input_to_matrix(U) # Input as dim by N_horiz matrix
43constr_param = cs.MX.sym("c", 3) # Coefficients of cubic constraint function
44mpc_param = cs.vertcat(y_init, model_params, constr_param) # All parameters
46# Cost
48# Stage costs for states and input
49stage_y_cost, stage_u_cost = model.generate_cost_funcs()
50# Simulate the model with the input over the horizon
51mpc_sim = model.simulate(N_horiz, y_init, U_mat, model_params)
52# Accumulate the cost of the outputs and inputs
53mpc_y_cost = cs.sum2(stage_y_cost.map(N_horiz)(mpc_sim))
54mpc_u_cost = cs.sum2(stage_u_cost.map(N_horiz)(U_mat))
55mpc_cost_fun = cs.Function('f_mpc', [U, mpc_param], [mpc_y_cost + mpc_u_cost])
57# Constraints
59# Cubic constraint function for a single ball in one dimension
60g_constr = lambda c, x: c[0] * x**3 + c[1] * x**2 + c[2] * x
61# Constraint function for one stage (N balls)
62y_c = cs.MX.sym("y_c", y_dist.shape[0])
63constr = []
64for i in range(N): # for each ball in the stage except the last,
65 yx_n = y_c[dim * i] # constrain the x, y position of the ball
66 yy_n = y_c[dim * i + dim - 1]
67 constr += [yy_n - g_constr(constr_param, yx_n)]
68constr += [y_c[-1] - g_constr(constr_param, y_c[-dim])] # Ball N+1
69constr_fun = cs.Function("c", [y_c, constr_param], [cs.vertcat(*constr)])
70# Constraint function for all stages in the horizon
71mpc_constr = constr_fun.map(N_horiz)(mpc_sim, constr_param)
72mpc_constr_fun = cs.Function("g_mpc", [U, mpc_param], [cs.vec(mpc_constr)])
73# Fill in the constraint coefficients c(x-a)³ + d(x-a) + b
74a, b, c, d = 0.6, -1.4, 5, 2.2
75constr_coeff = [c, -3 * a * c, 3 * a * a * c + d]
76constr_lb = b - c * a**3 - d * a
78# %% NLP formulation
80import alpaqa.casadi_loader as cl
82# Generate C code for the cost and constraint function, compile them, and load
83# them as an alpaqa problem description:
84problem = cl.generate_and_compile_casadi_problem(
85 f=mpc_cost_fun,
86 g=mpc_constr_fun,
87 sym=cs.MX.sym,
89# Box constraints on actuator:
90problem.C.lowerbound = -1 * np.ones((dim * N_horiz, ))
91problem.C.upperbound = +1 * np.ones((dim * N_horiz, ))
92# Constant term of the cubic state constraints:
93problem.D.lowerbound = constr_lb * np.ones((problem.m, ))
95# %% NLP solver
97import alpaqa as pa
98from datetime import timedelta
100# Configure an alpaqa solver:
101solver = pa.ALMSolver(
102 alm_params={
103 'tolerance': 1e-4,
104 'dual_tolerance': 1e-4,
105 'initial_penalty': 1e4,
106 'max_iter': 100,
107 'max_time': timedelta(seconds=0.2),
108 'max_total_num_retries': 0,
109 },
110 inner_solver=pa.PANOCSolver(
111 panoc_params={
112 'stop_crit': pa.ProjGradNorm2,
113 'max_time': timedelta(seconds=0.02),
114 },
115 lbfgs_params={'memory': N_horiz},
116 ),
119# %% MPC controller
122# Wrap the solver in a class that solves the optimal control problem at each
123# time step, implementing warm starting:
124class MPCController:
126 def __init__(self, model: HangingChain, problem: pa.CasADiProblem):
127 self.model = model
128 self.problem = problem
129 self.tot_it = 0
130 self.tot_time = timedelta()
131 self.max_time = timedelta()
132 self.failures = 0
133 self.U = np.zeros((N_horiz * dim, ))
134 self.λ = np.zeros(((N + 1) * N_horiz, ))
136 def __call__(self, y_n):
137 y_n = np.array(y_n).ravel()
138 # Set the current state as the initial state
139 self.problem.param[:y_n.shape[0]] = y_n
140 # Shift over the previous solution and Lagrange multipliers
141 self.U = np.concatenate((self.U[dim:], self.U[-dim:]))
142 self.λ = np.concatenate((self.λ[N + 1:], self.λ[-N - 1:]))
143 # Solve the optimal control problem
144 # (warm start using the shifted previous solution and multipliers)
145 self.U, self.λ, stats = solver(self.problem, self.U, self.λ)
146 # Print some solver statistics
147 print(stats['status'], stats['outer_iterations'],
148 stats['inner']['iterations'], stats['elapsed_time'],
149 stats['inner_convergence_failures'])
150 self.tot_it += stats['inner']['iterations']
151 self.failures += stats['status'] != pa.SolverStatus.Converged
152 self.tot_time += stats['elapsed_time']
153 self.max_time = max(self.max_time, stats['elapsed_time'])
154 # Print the Lagrange multipliers, shows that constraints are active
155 print(np.linalg.norm(self.λ))
156 # Return the optimal control signal for the first time step
157 return self.model.input_to_matrix(self.U)[:, 0]
160# %% Simulate the system using the MPC controller
162y_n = np.array(y_dist[:, -1]).ravel() # Initial state for controller
163n_state = y_n.shape[0]
164problem.param = np.concatenate((y_n, param, constr_coeff))
166y_mpc = np.empty((n_state, N_sim))
167controller = MPCController(model, problem)
168for n in range(N_sim):
169 # Solve the optimal control problem:
170 u_n = controller(y_n)
171 # Apply the first optimal control input to the system and simulate for
172 # one time step, then update the state:
173 y_n = model.simulate(1, y_n, u_n, param).T
174 y_mpc[:, n] = y_n
175y_mpc = np.hstack((y_dist, y_mpc))
177print(f"{controller.tot_it} iterations, {controller.failures} failures")
178print(f"time: {controller.tot_time} (total), {controller.max_time} (max), "
179 f"{controller.tot_time / N_sim} (avg)")
181# %% Visualize the results
183import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
184import matplotlib as mpl
185from matplotlib import animation, patheffects
187mpl.rcParams['animation.frame_format'] = 'svg'
189# Plot the chains
190fig, ax = plt.subplots()
191x, y, z = model.state_to_pos(y_null)
192line, = ax.plot(x, y, '-o', label='Without MPC')
193line_ctrl, = ax.plot(x, y, '-o', label='With MPC')
195plt.ylim([-2.5, 1])
196plt.xlim([-0.25, 1.25])
198# Plot the state constraints
199x = np.linspace(-0.25, 1.25, 256)
200y = np.linspace(-2.5, 1, 256)
201X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
202Z = g_constr(constr_coeff, X) + constr_lb - Y
203fx = [patheffects.withTickedStroke(spacing=7, linewidth=0.8)]
204cgc = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, [0], colors='tab:green', linewidths=0.8)
205plt.setp(cgc.collections, path_effects=fx)
208class Animation:
209 points = []
211 def __call__(self, i):
212 x, y, z = model.state_to_pos(y_sim[:, i])
213 for p in self.points:
214 p.remove()
215 self.points = []
216 line.set_xdata(x)
217 line.set_ydata(y)
218 viol = y - g_constr(constr_coeff, x) + 1e-5 < constr_lb
219 if np.sum(viol):
220 self.points += ax.plot(x[viol], y[viol], 'rx', markersize=12)
221 x, y, z = model.state_to_pos(y_mpc[:, i])
222 line_ctrl.set_xdata(x)
223 line_ctrl.set_ydata(y)
224 viol = y - g_constr(constr_coeff, x) + 1e-5 < constr_lb
225 if np.sum(viol):
226 self.points += ax.plot(x[viol], y[viol], 'rx', markersize=12)
227 return [line, line_ctrl] + self.points
230ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,
231 Animation(),
232 interval=1000 * Ts,
233 blit=True,
234 repeat=True,
235 frames=1 + N_dist + N_sim)
237# Show the animation
1from typing import Union
2import casadi as cs
3import numpy as np
4from casadi import vertcat as vc
7class HangingChain:
9 def __init__(self, N: int, dim: int, Ts: float = 0.05):
10 self.N = N
11 self.dim = dim
13 self.y1 = cs.SX.sym("y1", dim * N, 1) # state: balls 1→N positions
14 self.y2 = cs.SX.sym("y2", dim * N, 1) # state: balls 1→N velocities
15 self.y3 = cs.SX.sym("y3", dim, 1) # state: ball 1+N position
16 self.u = cs.SX.sym("u", dim, 1) # input: ball 1+N velocity
17 self.y = vc(self.y1, self.y2, self.y3) # full state vector
19 self.m = cs.SX.sym("m") # mass
20 self.D = cs.SX.sym("D") # spring constant
21 self.L = cs.SX.sym("L") # spring length
22 self.params = vc(self.m, self.D, self.L)
24 self.g = np.array([0, 0, -9.81] if dim == 3 else [0, -9.81]) # gravity
25 self.x0 = np.zeros((dim, )) # ball 0 position
26 self.x_end = np.eye(1, dim, 0).ravel() # ball N+1 reference position
28 self._build_dynamics(Ts)
30 def _build_dynamics(self, Ts):
31 y, y1, y2, y3, u = self.y, self.y1, self.y2, self.y3, self.u
32 dist = lambda xa, xb: cs.norm_2(xa - xb)
33 N, d = self.N, self.dim
34 p = self.params
36 # Continuous-time dynamics y' = f(y, u; p)
38 f1 = [y2]
39 f2 = []
40 for i in range(N):
41 xi = y1[d * i:d * i + d]
42 xip1 = y1[d * i + d:d * i + d * 2] if i < N - 1 else y3
43 Fiip1 = self.D * (1 - self.L / dist(xip1, xi)) * (xip1 - xi)
44 xim1 = y1[d * i - d:d * i] if i > 0 else self.x0
45 Fim1i = self.D * (1 - self.L / dist(xi, xim1)) * (xi - xim1)
46 fi = (Fiip1 - Fim1i) / self.m + self.g
47 f2 += [fi]
48 f3 = [u]
50 f_expr = vc(*f1, *f2, *f3)
51 self.f = cs.Function("f", [y, u, p], [f_expr], ["y", "u", "p"], ["y'"])
53 # Discretize dynamics y[k+1] = f_d(y[k], u[k]; p)
55 # 4th order Runge-Kutta integrator
56 k1 = self.f(y, u, p)
57 k2 = self.f(y + Ts * k1 / 2, u, p)
58 k3 = self.f(y + Ts * k2 / 2, u, p)
59 k4 = self.f(y + Ts * k3, u, p)
61 # Discrete-time dynamics
62 f_d_expr = y + (Ts / 6) * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)
63 self.f_d = cs.Function("f", [y, u, p], [f_d_expr])
65 return self.f_d
67 def state_to_pos(self, y):
68 N, d = self.N, self.dim
69 rav = lambda x: np.array(x).ravel()
70 xdim = lambda y, i: np.concatenate(
71 ([0], rav(y[i:d * N:d]), rav(y[-d + i])))
72 if d == 3:
73 return (xdim(y, 0), xdim(y, 1), xdim(y, 2))
74 else:
75 return (xdim(y, 0), xdim(y, 1), np.zeros((N + 1, )))
77 def input_to_matrix(self, u):
78 """
79 Reshape the input signal from a vector into a dim × N_horiz matrix (note
80 that CasADi matrices are stored column-wise and NumPy arrays row-wise)
81 """
82 if isinstance(u, np.ndarray):
83 return u.reshape((self.dim, u.shape[0] // self.dim), order='F')
84 else:
85 return u.reshape((self.dim, u.shape[0] // self.dim))
87 def simulate(self, N_sim: int, y_0: np.ndarray,
88 u: Union[np.ndarray, list, cs.SX.sym, cs.MX.sym],
89 p: Union[np.ndarray, list, cs.SX.sym, cs.MX.sym]):
90 if isinstance(u, list):
91 u = np.array(u)
92 if isinstance(u, np.ndarray):
93 if u.ndim == 1 or (u.ndim == 2 and u.shape[1] == 1):
94 if u.shape[0] == self.dim:
95 u = np.tile(u, (N_sim, 1)).T
96 return self.f_d.mapaccum(N_sim)(y_0, u, p)
98 def initial_state(self):
99 N, d = self.N, self.dim
100 y1_0 = np.zeros((d * N))
101 y1_0[0::d] = np.arange(1, N + 1) / (N + 1)
102 y2_0 = np.zeros((d * N))
103 y3_0 = np.zeros((d, ))
104 y3_0[0] = 1
106 y_null = np.concatenate((y1_0, y2_0, y3_0))
107 u_null = np.zeros((d, ))
109 return y_null, u_null
111 def generate_cost_funcs(self, α=25, β=1, γ=0.01):
112 N, d = self.N, self.dim
113 y1t = cs.SX.sym("y1t", d * N, 1)
114 y2t = cs.SX.sym("y2t", d * N, 1)
115 y3t = cs.SX.sym("y3t", d, 1)
116 ut = cs.SX.sym("ut", d, 1)
117 yt = cs.vertcat(y1t, y2t, y3t)
119 L_cost_x = α * cs.sumsqr(y3t - self.x_end)
120 for i in range(N):
121 xdi = y2t[d * i:d * i + d]
122 L_cost_x += β * cs.sumsqr(xdi)
123 L_cost_u = γ * cs.sumsqr(ut)
124 return cs.Function("L_cost_x", [yt], [L_cost_x]), \
125 cs.Function("L_cost_u", [ut], [L_cost_u])