- group grp_Problems
Classes for defining optimization problems.
template<class Problem>
auto problem_with_counters(Problem &&p)# Wraps the given problem into a ProblemWithCounters and keeps track of how many times each function is called, and how long these calls took.
The wrapper has its own copy of the given problem. Making copies of the wrapper also copies the underlying problem, but does not copy the evaluation counters, all copies share the same counters.
template<class Problem>
auto problem_with_counters_ref(Problem &p)# Wraps the given problem into a ProblemWithCounters and keeps track of how many times each function is called, and how long these calls took.
The wrapper keeps only a reference to the given problem, it is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that the wrapper does not outlive the original problem. Making copies of the wrapper does not copy the evaluation counters, all copies share the same counters.
template<Config Conf>
class BoxConstrProblem - #include <alpaqa/problem/box-constr-problem.hpp>
Implements common problem functions for minimization problems with box constraints.
Meant to be used as a base class for custom problem implementations. Supports optional
-regularization.Subclassed by CasADiProblem< Conf >, FunctionalProblem< Conf >
Public Types
using Box = alpaqa::Box<config_t>
Public Functions
inline BoxConstrProblem(length_t n, length_t m)
Create a problem with inactive boxes
, with no -regularization, and all general constraints handled using ALM.- Parameters:
n – Number of decision variables
m – Number of constraints
inline BoxConstrProblem(std::tuple<length_t, length_t> dims)
Create a problem with inactive boxes
, with no -regularization, and all general constraints handled using ALM.- Parameters:
dims – Number of variables and number of constraints.
inline void resize(length_t n, length_t m)
Change the dimensions of the problem (number of decision variables and number of constaints).
Destructive: resizes and/or resets the members C, D, l1_reg and penalty_alm_split.
- Parameters:
n – Number of decision variables
m – Number of constraints
BoxConstrProblem(const BoxConstrProblem&) = default
BoxConstrProblem &operator=(const BoxConstrProblem&) = default
BoxConstrProblem(BoxConstrProblem&&) noexcept = default
BoxConstrProblem &operator=(BoxConstrProblem&&) noexcept = default
inline const Box &get_box_C() const
See also
inline const Box &get_box_D() const
See also
inline bool provides_get_box_C() const
Only supported if the ℓ₁-regularization term is zero.
Public Members
length_t n
Number of decision variables, dimension of x.
length_t m
Number of constraints, dimension of g(x) and z.
Box C = {this->n}
Constraints of the decision variables,
Box D = {this->m}
Other constraints,
vec l1_reg = {}
(1-norm) regularization parameter.Possible dimensions are:
(no regularization), (a single scalar factor), or (a different factor for each variable).
index_t penalty_alm_split = 0
Components of the constraint function with indices below this number are handled using a quadratic penalty method rather than using an augmented Lagrangian method.
Specifically, the Lagrange multipliers for these components (which determine the shifts in ALM) are kept at zero.
Public Static Functions
static inline real_t eval_proj_grad_step_box(const Box &C, real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x_hat, rvec p)
Projected gradient step for rectangular box C.
static inline void eval_prox_grad_step_box_l1_impl(const Box &C, const auto &λ, real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x_hat, rvec p)
Proximal gradient step for rectangular box C with ℓ₁-regularization.
static inline real_t eval_prox_grad_step_box_l1(const Box &C, const auto &λ, real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x_hat, rvec p)
Proximal gradient step for rectangular box C with ℓ₁-regularization.
using Box = alpaqa::Box<config_t>
template<Config Conf = DefaultConfig>
class FunctionalProblem : public alpaqa::BoxConstrProblem<DefaultConfig> - #include <alpaqa/problem/functional-problem.hpp>
Problem class that allows specifying the basic functions as C++
s.Public Functions
inline bool provides_eval_grad_gi() const
inline bool provides_eval_jac_g() const
inline bool provides_eval_hess_L_prod() const
inline bool provides_eval_hess_L() const
inline bool provides_eval_hess_ψ_prod() const
inline bool provides_eval_hess_ψ() const
inline std::string get_name() const
See also
FunctionalProblem(const FunctionalProblem&) = default
FunctionalProblem &operator=(const FunctionalProblem&) = default
FunctionalProblem(FunctionalProblem&&) noexcept = default
FunctionalProblem &operator=(FunctionalProblem&&) noexcept = default
Public Members
inline bool provides_eval_grad_gi() const
template<Config Conf = DefaultConfig, class Allocator = std::allocator<std::byte>>
class TypeErasedControlProblem : public alpaqa::util::TypeErased<ControlProblemVTable<DefaultConfig>, std::allocator<std::byte>> - #include <alpaqa/problem/ocproblem.hpp>
Nonlinear optimal control problem with finite horizon
.The function
models the discrete-time, nonlinear dynamics of the system, which starts from an initial state . The functions for and can be used to represent the (possibly time-varying) output mapping of the system, and the convex functions and define the stage costs and the terminal cost respectively. Stage constraints and terminal constraints are represented by the functions and , and the boxes and .Additional functions for computing Gauss-Newton approximations of the cost Hessian are included as well:
Problem dimensions
inline length_t get_N() const
Horizon length.
inline length_t get_nu() const
Number of inputs.
inline length_t get_nx() const
Number of states.
inline length_t get_nh() const
Number of outputs.
inline length_t get_nh_N() const
inline length_t get_nc() const
Number of constraints.
inline length_t get_nc_N() const
inline Dim get_dim() const
All dimensions.
inline length_t get_n() const
Total number of variables.
inline length_t get_m() const
Total number of constraints.
Projections onto constraint sets
inline void eval_proj_diff_g(crvec z, rvec e) const
[Required] Function that evaluates the difference between the given point
and its projection onto the constraint set .Note
can refer to the same vector.- Parameters:
z – [in] Slack variable,
e – [out] The difference relative to its projection,
inline void eval_proj_multipliers(rvec y, real_t M) const
[Required] Function that projects the Lagrange multipliers for ALM.
- Parameters:
y – [inout] Multipliers,
M – [in] The radius/size of the set
. See ALMParams::max_multiplier.
Constraint sets
inline void get_U(Box &U) const
Input box constraints
inline void get_D(Box &D) const
Stage box constraints
inline void get_D_N(Box &D) const
Terminal box constraints
Dynamics and initial state
inline void get_x_init(rvec x_init) const
Initial state
Output mapping
Stage and terminal cost
Gauss-Newton approximations
inline void eval_qr(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, rvec qr) const
Cost gradients w.r.t.
states and inputs
and .
inline void eval_add_Q(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, rmat Q) const
Cost Hessian w.r.t.
, added to the given matrixQ
. .
inline void eval_add_Q_N(crvec x, crvec h, rmat Q) const
Terminal cost Hessian w.r.t.
, added to the given matrixQ
. .
inline void eval_add_R_masked(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, crindexvec mask, rmat R, rvec work) const
Cost Hessian w.r.t.
, keeping only rows and columns in the mask , added to the given matrixR
. . The size ofwork
should be get_R_work_size().
inline void eval_add_S_masked(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, crindexvec mask, rmat S, rvec work) const
Cost Hessian w.r.t.
inputs and states
, keeping only rows in the mask , added to the given matrixS
. . The size ofwork
should be get_S_work_size().
inline void eval_add_R_prod_masked(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, crindexvec mask_J, crindexvec mask_K, crvec v, rvec out, rvec work) const
.Work should contain the contents written to it by a prior call to eval_add_R_masked() in the same point.
inline void eval_add_S_prod_masked(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, crindexvec mask_K, crvec v, rvec out, rvec work) const
.Work should contain the contents written to it by a prior call to eval_add_S_masked() in the same point.
inline length_t get_R_work_size() const
Size of the workspace required by eval_add_R_masked() and eval_add_R_prod_masked().
inline length_t get_S_work_size() const
Size of the workspace required by eval_add_S_masked() and eval_add_S_prod_masked().
inline void eval_grad_constr_prod(index_t timestep, crvec x, crvec p, rvec grad_cx_p) const
Gradient-vector product of stage constraints
inline void eval_grad_constr_prod_N(crvec x, crvec p, rvec grad_cx_p) const
Gradient-vector product of terminal constraints
inline void check() const
Check that the problem formulation is well-defined, the dimensions match, etc.
Throws an exception if this is not the case.
Querying specialized implementations
inline bool provides_get_D() const
inline bool provides_get_D_N() const
inline bool provides_eval_h() const
inline bool provides_eval_h_N() const
inline bool provides_eval_add_Q_N() const
inline bool provides_eval_add_R_prod_masked() const
inline bool provides_eval_add_S_prod_masked() const
inline bool provides_get_R_work_size() const
inline bool provides_get_S_work_size() const
inline bool provides_eval_constr() const
inline bool provides_eval_constr_N() const
inline bool provides_eval_grad_constr_prod() const
inline bool provides_eval_grad_constr_prod_N() const
inline bool provides_eval_add_gn_hess_constr() const
inline bool provides_eval_add_gn_hess_constr_N() const
Public Types
using VTable = ControlProblemVTable<config_t>
using allocator_type = Allocator
using Box = typename VTable::Box
using Dim = OCPDim<config_t>
using TypeErased = util::TypeErased<VTable, allocator_type>
Public Functions
TypeErased() noexcept(noexcept(allocator_type()) && noexcept(VTable())) = default
Default constructor.
template<class Alloc>
inline TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc &alloc) Default constructor (allocator aware).
inline TypeErased(const TypeErased &other)
Copy constructor.
inline TypeErased(const TypeErased &other, const allocator_type &alloc)
Copy constructor (allocator aware).
inline TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const allocator_type &alloc, const TypeErased &other)
Copy constructor (allocator aware).
inline TypeErased(TypeErased &&other) noexcept
Move constructor.
inline TypeErased(TypeErased &&other, const allocator_type &alloc) noexcept
Move constructor (allocator aware).
inline TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const allocator_type &alloc, TypeErased &&other) noexcept
Move constructor (allocator aware).
template<class T, class Alloc>
inline explicit TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc &alloc, T &&d) Main constructor that type-erases the given argument.
template<class T, class Alloc, class ...Args>
inline explicit TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc &alloc, std::in_place_type_t<T>, Args&&... args) Main constructor that type-erases the object constructed from the given argument.
template<class T>
inline explicit TypeErased(T &&d) Requirement prevents this constructor from taking precedence over the copy and move constructors.
Public Static Functions
template<class T, class ...Args>
static inline TypeErasedControlProblem make(Args&&... args)
inline length_t get_N() const
template<class Problem>
struct ProblemWithCounters - #include <alpaqa/problem/problem-with-counters.hpp>
Problem wrapper that keeps track of the number of evaluations and the run time of each function.
You probably want to use problem_with_counters or problem_with_counters_ref instead of instantiating this class directly.
The evaluation counters are stored using a
, which means that different copies of a ProblemWithCounters instance all share the same counters. To opt out of this behavior, you can use the decouple_evaluations function.Public Types
using Box = typename TypeErasedProblem<config_t>::Box
Public Functions
inline Sparsity get_jac_g_sparsity() const
inline Sparsity get_hess_L_sparsity() const
inline Sparsity get_hess_ψ_sparsity() const
inline const Box &get_box_C() const
inline const Box &get_box_D() const
inline void check() const
inline std::string get_name() const
inline bool provides_eval_grad_gi() const
inline bool provides_eval_inactive_indices_res_lna() const
inline bool provides_eval_jac_g() const
inline bool provides_get_jac_g_sparsity() const
inline bool provides_eval_hess_L_prod() const
inline bool provides_eval_hess_L() const
inline bool provides_get_hess_L_sparsity() const
inline bool provides_eval_hess_ψ_prod() const
inline bool provides_eval_hess_ψ() const
inline bool provides_get_hess_ψ_sparsity() const
inline bool provides_eval_f_grad_f() const
inline bool provides_eval_f_g() const
inline bool provides_eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod() const
inline bool provides_eval_grad_L() const
inline bool provides_eval_ψ() const
inline bool provides_eval_grad_ψ() const
inline bool provides_eval_ψ_grad_ψ() const
inline bool provides_get_box_C() const
inline bool provides_get_box_D() const
inline bool provides_check() const
inline bool provides_get_name() const
inline length_t get_n() const
inline length_t get_m() const
ProblemWithCounters() = default
template<class P>
inline explicit ProblemWithCounters(P &&problem)
template<class ...Args>
inline explicit ProblemWithCounters(std::in_place_t, Args&&... args)
inline void reset_evaluations()
Reset all evaluation counters and timers to zero.
Affects all instances that share the same evaluations. If you only want to reset the counters of this instance, use decouple_evaluations first.
inline void decouple_evaluations()
Give this instance its own evaluation counters and timers, decoupling it from any other instances they might have previously been shared with.
The evaluation counters and timers are preserved (a copy is made).
Public Members
std::shared_ptr<EvalCounter> evaluations = std::make_shared<EvalCounter>()
Problem problem
using Box = typename TypeErasedProblem<config_t>::Box
template<Config Conf = DefaultConfig, class Allocator = std::allocator<std::byte>>
class TypeErasedProblem : public alpaqa::util::TypeErased<ProblemVTable<DefaultConfig>, std::allocator<std::byte>> - #include <alpaqa/problem/type-erased-problem.hpp>
The main polymorphic minimization problem interface.
This class wraps the actual problem implementation class, filling in the missing member functions with sensible defaults, and providing a uniform interface that is used by the solvers.
The problem implementations do not inherit from an abstract base class. Instead, structural typing is used. The ProblemVTable constructor uses reflection to discover which member functions are provided by the problem implementation. See Problem formulations for more information, and C++/CustomCppProblem/main.cpp for an example.
Problem dimensions
length_t get_n() const
[Required] Number of decision variables.
length_t get_m() const
[Required] Number of constraints.
Required cost and constraint functions
real_t eval_f(crvec x) const
[Required] Function that evaluates the cost,
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
void eval_grad_f(crvec x, rvec grad_fx) const
[Required] Function that evaluates the gradient of the cost,
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
grad_fx – [out] Gradient of cost function
Projections onto constraint sets and proximal mappings
void eval_proj_diff_g(crvec z, rvec e) const
[Required] Function that evaluates the difference between the given point
and its projection onto the constraint set .Note
can refer to the same vector.- Parameters:
z – [in] Slack variable,
e – [out] The difference relative to its projection,
void eval_proj_multipliers(rvec y, real_t M) const
[Required] Function that projects the Lagrange multipliers for ALM.
- Parameters:
y – [inout] Multipliers,
M – [in] The radius/size of the set
. See ALMParams::max_multiplier.
real_t eval_prox_grad_step(real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x_hat, rvec p) const
[Required] Function that computes a proximal gradient step.
The vector
is often used in stopping criteria, so its numerical accuracy is more important than that of .- Parameters:
γ – [in] Step size,
x – [in] Decision variable
grad_ψ – [in] Gradient of the subproblem cost,
x̂ – [out] Next proximal gradient iterate,
p – [out] The proximal gradient step,
- Returns:
The nonsmooth function evaluated at x̂,
index_t eval_inactive_indices_res_lna(real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rindexvec J) const
[Optional] Function that computes the inactive indices
for the evaluation of the linear Newton approximation of the residual, as in [4].For example, in the case of box constraints, we have
- Parameters:
γ – [in] Step size,
x – [in] Decision variable
grad_ψ – [in] Gradient of the subproblem cost,
J – [out] The indices of the components of
that are in the index set . In ascending order, at most n.
- Returns:
The number of inactive constraints,
Constraint sets
const Box &get_box_C() const
[Optional] Get the rectangular constraint set of the decision variables,
const Box &get_box_D() const
[Optional] Get the rectangular constraint set of the general constraint function,
Functions for second-order solvers
void eval_jac_g(crvec x, rvec J_values) const
[Optional] Function that evaluates the nonzero values of the Jacobian matrix of the constraints,
Required for second-order solvers only.
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
J_values – [out] Nonzero values of the Jacobian
Sparsity get_jac_g_sparsity() const
[Optional] Function that returns (a view of) the sparsity pattern of the Jacobian of the constraints.
Required for second-order solvers only.
void eval_grad_gi(crvec x, index_t i, rvec grad_gi) const
[Optional] Function that evaluates the gradient of one specific constraint,
Required for second-order solvers only.
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
i – [in] Which constraint
grad_gi – [out] Gradient of the constraint
void eval_hess_L_prod(crvec x, crvec y, real_t scale, crvec v, rvec Hv) const
[Optional] Function that evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian multiplied by a vector,
Required for second-order solvers only.
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers
scale – [in] Scale factor for the cost function.
v – [in] Vector to multiply by
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product
void eval_hess_L(crvec x, crvec y, real_t scale, rvec H_values) const
[Optional] Function that evaluates the nonzero values of the Hessian of the Lagrangian,
Required for second-order solvers only.
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers
scale – [in] Scale factor for the cost function.
H_values – [out] Nonzero values of the Hessian
Sparsity get_hess_L_sparsity() const
[Optional] Function that returns (a view of) the sparsity pattern of the Hessian of the Lagrangian.
Required for second-order solvers only.
void eval_hess_ψ_prod(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, real_t scale, crvec v, rvec Hv) const
[Optional] Function that evaluates the Hessian of the augmented Lagrangian multiplied by a vector,
Required for second-order solvers only.
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers
Σ – [in] Penalty weights
scale – [in] Scale factor for the cost function.
v – [in] Vector to multiply by
Hv – [out] Hessian-vector product
void eval_hess_ψ(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, real_t scale, rvec H_values) const
[Optional] Function that evaluates the nonzero values of the Hessian of the augmented Lagrangian,
Required for second-order solvers only.
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers
Σ – [in] Penalty weights
scale – [in] Scale factor for the cost function.
H_values – [out] Nonzero values of the Hessian
Sparsity get_hess_ψ_sparsity() const
[Optional] Function that returns (a view of) the sparsity pattern of the Hessian of the augmented Lagrangian.
Required for second-order solvers only.
Combined evaluations
real_t eval_f_grad_f(crvec x, rvec grad_fx) const
[Optional] Evaluate both
and its gradient, .- Default implementation:
void eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_f, rvec grad_gxy) const
[Optional] Evaluate both
and .- Default implementation:
Augmented Lagrangian
real_t eval_ψ(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec ŷ) const
[Optional] Calculate both ψ(x) and the vector ŷ that can later be used to compute ∇ψ.
- Default implementation:
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers
Σ – [in] Penalty weights
ŷ – [out]
void eval_grad_ψ(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m) const
[Optional] Calculate the gradient ∇ψ(x).
- Default implementation:
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers
Σ – [in] Penalty weights
grad_ψ – [out]
work_n – Dimension
work_m – Dimension
real_t eval_ψ_grad_ψ(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m) const
[Optional] Calculate both ψ(x) and its gradient ∇ψ(x).
- Default implementation:
- Parameters:
x – [in] Decision variable
y – [in] Lagrange multipliers
Σ – [in] Penalty weights
grad_ψ – [out]
work_n – Dimension
work_m – Dimension
void check() const
[Optional] Check that the problem formulation is well-defined, the dimensions match, etc.
Throws an exception if this is not the case.
std::string get_name() const
[Optional] Get a descriptive name for the problem.
Querying specialized implementations
inline bool provides_eval_inactive_indices_res_lna() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of eval_inactive_indices_res_lna.
inline bool provides_eval_jac_g() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of eval_jac_g.
inline bool provides_get_jac_g_sparsity() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of get_jac_g_sparsity.
inline bool provides_eval_grad_gi() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of eval_grad_gi.
inline bool provides_eval_hess_L_prod() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of eval_hess_L_prod.
inline bool provides_eval_hess_L() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of eval_hess_L.
inline bool provides_get_hess_L_sparsity() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of get_hess_L_sparsity.
inline bool provides_eval_hess_ψ_prod() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of eval_hess_ψ_prod.
inline bool provides_eval_hess_ψ() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of eval_hess_ψ.
inline bool provides_get_hess_ψ_sparsity() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of get_hess_ψ_sparsity.
inline bool provides_eval_f_grad_f() const
Returns true if the problem provides a specialized implementation of eval_f_grad_f, false if it uses the default implementation.
inline bool provides_eval_f_g() const
Returns true if the problem provides a specialized implementation of eval_f_g, false if it uses the default implementation.
inline bool provides_eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod() const
Returns true if the problem provides a specialized implementation of eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod, false if it uses the default implementation.
inline bool provides_eval_grad_L() const
Returns true if the problem provides a specialized implementation of eval_grad_L, false if it uses the default implementation.
inline bool provides_eval_ψ() const
Returns true if the problem provides a specialized implementation of eval_ψ, false if it uses the default implementation.
inline bool provides_eval_grad_ψ() const
Returns true if the problem provides a specialized implementation of eval_grad_ψ, false if it uses the default implementation.
inline bool provides_eval_ψ_grad_ψ() const
Returns true if the problem provides a specialized implementation of eval_ψ_grad_ψ, false if it uses the default implementation.
inline bool provides_get_box_C() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of get_box_C.
inline bool provides_get_box_D() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of get_box_D.
inline bool provides_check() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of check.
inline bool provides_get_name() const
Returns true if the problem provides an implementation of get_name.
Querying available functions
inline bool supports_eval_hess_ψ_prod() const
Returns true if eval_hess_ψ_prod can be called.
inline bool supports_eval_hess_ψ() const
Returns true if eval_hess_ψ can be called.
real_t calc_ŷ_dᵀŷ(rvec g_ŷ, crvec y, crvec Σ) const
Given g(x), compute the intermediate results ŷ and dᵀŷ that can later be used to compute ψ(x) and ∇ψ(x).
Computes the result using the following algorithm:
See also
- Parameters:
g_ŷ – [inout] Input
, outputsy – [in] Lagrange multipliers
Σ – [in] Penalty weights
- Returns:
The inner product
Public Types
using Sparsity = alpaqa::Sparsity<config_t>
using Box = alpaqa::Box<config_t>
using VTable = ProblemVTable<config_t>
using allocator_type = Allocator
using TypeErased = util::TypeErased<VTable, allocator_type>
Public Functions
TypeErased() noexcept(noexcept(allocator_type()) && noexcept(VTable())) = default
Default constructor.
template<class Alloc>
inline TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc &alloc) Default constructor (allocator aware).
inline TypeErased(const TypeErased &other)
Copy constructor.
inline TypeErased(const TypeErased &other, const allocator_type &alloc)
Copy constructor (allocator aware).
inline TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const allocator_type &alloc, const TypeErased &other)
Copy constructor (allocator aware).
inline TypeErased(TypeErased &&other) noexcept
Move constructor.
inline TypeErased(TypeErased &&other, const allocator_type &alloc) noexcept
Move constructor (allocator aware).
inline TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const allocator_type &alloc, TypeErased &&other) noexcept
Move constructor (allocator aware).
template<class T, class Alloc>
inline explicit TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc &alloc, T &&d) Main constructor that type-erases the given argument.
template<class T, class Alloc, class ...Args>
inline explicit TypeErased(std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc &alloc, std::in_place_type_t<T>, Args&&... args) Main constructor that type-erases the object constructed from the given argument.
template<class T>
inline explicit TypeErased(T &&d) Requirement prevents this constructor from taking precedence over the copy and move constructors.
Public Static Functions
template<class T, class ...Args>
static inline TypeErasedProblem make(Args&&... args)
length_t get_n() const
template<Config Conf>
class UnconstrProblem - #include <alpaqa/problem/unconstr-problem.hpp>
Implements common problem functions for minimization problems without constraints.
Meant to be used as a base class for custom problem implementations.
Public Functions
inline UnconstrProblem(length_t n)
- Parameters:
n – Number of decision variables
inline void resize(length_t n)
Change the number of decision variables.
UnconstrProblem(const UnconstrProblem&) = default
UnconstrProblem &operator=(const UnconstrProblem&) = default
UnconstrProblem(UnconstrProblem&&) noexcept = default
UnconstrProblem &operator=(UnconstrProblem&&) noexcept = default
inline length_t get_m() const
Number of constraints (always zero)
inline void eval_grad_g_prod(crvec, crvec, rvec grad) const
Constraint gradient is always zero.
See also
inline void eval_grad_gi(crvec, index_t, rvec grad_gi) const
Constraint gradient is always zero.
See also
inline real_t eval_prox_grad_step(real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x_hat, rvec p) const
No proximal mapping, just a forward (gradient) step.
inline std::string get_name() const
See also
Public Members
length_t n
Number of decision variables, dimension of x.
inline UnconstrProblem(length_t n)
template<Config Conf = EigenConfigd>
class CasADiProblem : public alpaqa::BoxConstrProblem<EigenConfigd> - #include <alpaqa/casadi/CasADiProblem.hpp>
Problem definition for a CasADi problem, loaded from a DLL.
Public Types
using Sparsity = alpaqa::Sparsity<config_t>
Public Functions
CasADiProblem(const std::string &filename, DynamicLoadFlags dl_flags = {})
Load a problem generated by CasADi (with parameters).
The file should contain functions with the names
. These functions evaluate the objective function, its gradient, the constraints, and the constraint gradient times a vector respectively. For second order solvers, additional functionshess_L
can be provided to evaluate the Hessian of the (augmented) Lagrangian and Hessian-vector products.- Parameters:
filename – Filename of the shared library to load the functions from.
dl_flags – Flags passed to
when loading the problem.
- Throws:
std::invalid_argument – The dimensions of the loaded functions do not match.
CasADiProblem(const SerializedCasADiFunctions &functions)
Create a problem from a collection of serialized CasADi functions.
CasADiProblem(const CasADiFunctions &functions)
Create a problem from a collection of CasADi functions.
CasADiProblem(const CasADiProblem&)
CasADiProblem &operator=(const CasADiProblem&)
CasADiProblem(CasADiProblem&&) noexcept
CasADiProblem &operator=(CasADiProblem&&) noexcept
void load_numerical_data(const std::filesystem::path &filepath, char sep = ',')
Load the numerical problem data (bounds and parameters) from a CSV file.
The file should contain 7 rows, with the following contents:
BoxConstrProblem::C lower bound [n]
BoxConstrProblem::C upper bound [n]
BoxConstrProblem::D lower bound [m]
BoxConstrProblem::D upper bound [m]
param [p]
BoxConstrProblem::l1_reg [0, 1 or n]
Line endings are encoded using a single line feed (
), and the column separator can be specified using thesep
Sparsity get_jac_g_sparsity() const
Sparsity get_hess_L_sparsity() const
Sparsity get_hess_ψ_sparsity() const
bool provides_eval_grad_L() const
bool provides_eval_ψ() const
See also
bool provides_eval_grad_ψ() const
bool provides_eval_ψ_grad_ψ() const
bool provides_eval_grad_gi() const
bool provides_eval_jac_g() const
bool provides_eval_hess_L_prod() const
bool provides_eval_hess_L() const
bool provides_eval_hess_ψ_prod() const
bool provides_eval_hess_ψ() const
std::string get_name() const
See also
using Sparsity = alpaqa::Sparsity<config_t>
class CUTEstProblem : public BoxConstrProblem<alpaqa::EigenConfigd>
- #include <alpaqa/cutest/cutest-loader.hpp>
Wrapper for CUTEst problems loaded from an external shared library.
Public Types
using Sparsity = alpaqa::Sparsity<config_t>
Public Functions
CUTEstProblem(const char *so_fname, const char *outsdif_fname = nullptr, bool sparse = false, DynamicLoadFlags dl_flags = {})
Load a CUTEst problem from the given shared library and OUTSDIF.d file.
points to a directory,""
is appended automatically. Ifoutsdif_fname
, the same directory asso_fname
is used.
CUTEstProblem(const CUTEstProblem&)
CUTEstProblem &operator=(const CUTEstProblem&)
CUTEstProblem(CUTEstProblem&&) noexcept
CUTEstProblem &operator=(CUTEstProblem&&) noexcept
Report get_report() const
std::ostream &format_report(std::ostream &os, const Report &r) const
inline std::ostream &format_report(std::ostream &os) const
Sparsity get_jac_g_sparsity() const
Sparsity get_hess_L_sparsity() const
inline std::string get_name() const
Public Members
std::string name = "<UNKNOWN>"
Problem name.
vec x0
Initial value of decision variables.
vec y0
Initial value of Lagrange multipliers.
struct Report
- #include <alpaqa/cutest/cutest-loader.hpp>
The report generated by CUTEst.
See also
Public Members
Calls calls
Function call counters.
double time_setup = 0
CPU time (in seconds) for CUTEST_csetup.
double time = 0
CPU time (in seconds) since the end of CUTEST_csetup.
struct Calls
- #include <alpaqa/cutest/cutest-loader.hpp>
Function call counters.
Note that hessian_times_vector, constraints and constraints_grad may account for codes which allow the evaluation of a selection of constraints only and may thus be much smaller than the number of constraints times the number of iterations.
Public Members
unsigned objective = 0
Number of calls to the objective function.
unsigned objective_grad = 0
Number of calls to the objective gradient.
unsigned objective_hess = 0
Number of calls to the objective Hessian.
unsigned hessian_times_vector = 0
Number of Hessian times vector products.
unsigned constraints = 0
Number of calls to the constraint functions.
unsigned constraints_grad = 0
Number of calls to the constraint gradients.
unsigned constraints_hess = 0
Number of calls to the constraint Hessians.
unsigned objective = 0
Calls calls
using Sparsity = alpaqa::Sparsity<config_t>
class DLProblem : public BoxConstrProblem<DefaultConfig>
- #include <alpaqa/dl/dl-problem.hpp>
Class that loads a problem using
.The shared library should export a C function with the name
that accepts a void pointer with user data, and returns a struct of type alpaqa_problem_register_t that contains all data to represent the problem, as well as function pointers for all required operations. See C++/DLProblem/main.cpp and problems/sparse-logistic-regression.cpp for examples.See also
See also
See also
Copies are shallow, they all share the same problem instance, take that into account when using multiple threads.
Public Functions
DLProblem(const std::filesystem::path &so_filename, const std::string &function_name = "register_alpaqa_problem", alpaqa_register_arg_t user_param = {}, DynamicLoadFlags dl_flags = {})
Load a problem from a shared library.
- Parameters:
so_filename – Filename of the shared library to load.
function_name – Name of the problem registration function. Should have signature
alpaqa_problem_register_t(alpaqa_register_arg_t user_param)
.user_param – Pointer to custom user data to pass to the registration function.
dl_flags – Flags passed to dlopen when loading the problem.
DLProblem(const std::filesystem::path &so_filename, const std::string &function_name, std::any &user_param, DynamicLoadFlags dl_flags = {})
Load a problem from a shared library.
- Parameters:
so_filename – Filename of the shared library to load.
function_name – Name of the problem registration function. Should have signature
alpaqa_problem_register_t(alpaqa_register_arg_t user_param)
.user_param – Custom user data to pass to the registration function.
dl_flags – Flags passed to dlopen when loading the problem.
DLProblem(const std::filesystem::path &so_filename, const std::string &function_name, std::span<std::string_view> user_param, DynamicLoadFlags dl_flags = {})
Load a problem from a shared library.
- Parameters:
so_filename – Filename of the shared library to load.
function_name – Name of the problem registration function. Should have signature
alpaqa_problem_register_t(alpaqa_register_arg_t user_param)
.user_param – Custom string arguments to pass to the registration function.
dl_flags – Flags passed to dlopen when loading the problem.
Sparsity get_jac_g_sparsity() const
Sparsity get_hess_L_sparsity() const
Sparsity get_hess_ψ_sparsity() const
std::string get_name() const
bool provides_eval_f() const
bool provides_eval_grad_f() const
bool provides_eval_g() const
bool provides_eval_grad_g_prod() const
bool provides_eval_jac_g() const
bool provides_get_jac_g_sparsity() const
bool provides_eval_grad_gi() const
bool provides_eval_hess_L_prod() const
bool provides_eval_hess_L() const
bool provides_get_hess_L_sparsity() const
bool provides_eval_hess_ψ_prod() const
bool provides_eval_hess_ψ() const
bool provides_get_hess_ψ_sparsity() const
bool provides_eval_f_grad_f() const
bool provides_eval_f_g() const
bool provides_eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod() const
bool provides_eval_grad_L() const
bool provides_eval_ψ() const
bool provides_eval_grad_ψ() const
bool provides_eval_ψ_grad_ψ() const
bool provides_get_box_C() const
bool provides_get_box_D() const
bool provides_eval_inactive_indices_res_lna() const
template<class Signature, class ...Args>
inline decltype(auto) call_extra_func(const std::string &name, Args&&... args) const
template<class Signature, class ...Args>
inline decltype(auto) call_extra_func(const std::string &name, Args&&... args)
DLProblem(const std::filesystem::path &so_filename, const std::string &function_name = "register_alpaqa_problem", alpaqa_register_arg_t user_param = {}, DynamicLoadFlags dl_flags = {})
class DLControlProblem
- #include <alpaqa/dl/dl-problem.hpp>
Class that loads an optimal control problem using
.The shared library should export a C function with the name
that accepts a void pointer with user data, and returns a struct of type alpaqa_control_problem_register_t that contains all data to represent the problem, as well as function pointers for all required operations.See also
Copies are shallow, they all share the same problem instance, take that into account when using multiple threads.
Public Functions
DLControlProblem(const std::filesystem::path &so_filename, const std::string &function_name = "register_alpaqa_control_problem", alpaqa_register_arg_t user_param = {}, DynamicLoadFlags dl_flags = {})
Load a problem from a shared library.
- Parameters:
so_filename – Filename of the shared library to load.
function_name – Name of the problem registration function. Should have signature
alpaqa_control_problem_register_t(alpaqa_register_arg_t user_param)
.user_param – Pointer to custom user data to pass to the registration function.
dl_flags – Flags passed to dlopen when loading the problem.
inline length_t get_N() const
inline length_t get_nx() const
inline length_t get_nu() const
inline length_t get_nh() const
inline length_t get_nh_N() const
inline length_t get_nc() const
inline length_t get_nc_N() const
inline void check() const
void get_U(Box &U) const
void get_D(Box &D) const
void get_D_N(Box &D) const
void get_x_init(rvec x_init) const
void eval_add_R_masked(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, crindexvec mask, rmat R, rvec work) const
void eval_add_S_masked(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, crindexvec mask, rmat S, rvec work) const
void eval_add_R_prod_masked(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, crindexvec mask_J, crindexvec mask_K, crvec v, rvec out, rvec work) const
void eval_add_S_prod_masked(index_t timestep, crvec xu, crvec h, crindexvec mask_K, crvec v, rvec out, rvec work) const
length_t get_R_work_size() const
length_t get_S_work_size() const
bool provides_get_D() const
bool provides_get_D_N() const
bool provides_eval_add_Q_N() const
bool provides_eval_add_R_prod_masked() const
bool provides_eval_add_S_prod_masked() const
bool provides_get_R_work_size() const
bool provides_get_S_work_size() const
bool provides_eval_constr() const
bool provides_eval_constr_N() const
bool provides_eval_grad_constr_prod() const
bool provides_eval_grad_constr_prod_N() const
bool provides_eval_add_gn_hess_constr() const
bool provides_eval_add_gn_hess_constr_N() const
template<class Signature, class ...Args>
inline decltype(auto) call_extra_func(const std::string &name, Args&&... args) const
template<class Signature, class ...Args>
inline decltype(auto) call_extra_func(const std::string &name, Args&&... args)
DLControlProblem(const std::filesystem::path &so_filename, const std::string &function_name = "register_alpaqa_control_problem", alpaqa_register_arg_t user_param = {}, DynamicLoadFlags dl_flags = {})
template<class Problem>