Getting started#
Most solvers in this library solve minimization problems of the following form:
The objective function
The two types of constraints are handled differently: the box constraints on
Equality constraints can be expressed by setting
For ease of notation, the box constraints on
Simple example#
Consider the following simple two-dimensional problem, with the
Rosenbrock function (parametrized by
In other words,
Problem description#
The objective function and the constraints are defined as CasADi expressions with symbolic variables, and then converted into CasADi functions. The arguments of these functions are the decision variables and an optional parameter vector.
# %% Build the problem (CasADi code, independent of alpaqa)
import casadi as cs
# Make symbolic decision variables
x1, x2 = cs.SX.sym("x1"), cs.SX.sym("x2")
x = cs.vertcat(x1, x2) # Collect decision variables into one vector
# Make a parameter symbol
p = cs.SX.sym("p")
# Objective function f and the constraints function g
f = (1 - x1) ** 2 + p * (x2 - x1**2) ** 2
g = cs.vertcat(
(x1 - 0.5) ** 3 - x2 + 1,
x1 + x2 - 1.5,
# Define the bounds
C = [-0.25, -0.5], [1.5, 2.5] # -0.25 <= x1 <= 1.5, -0.5 <= x2 <= 2.5
D = [-cs.inf, -cs.inf], [0, 0] # g1 <= 0, g2 <= 0
Next, we construct the alpaqa-specific minimization problem, using the
The gradients of the problem functions are computed using CasADi, and they are
compiled as efficient C functions. All of this happens inside of the
function, which returns an instance of
that can later be passed to a
# %% Generate and compile C code for the objective and constraints using alpaqa
from alpaqa import minimize
problem = (
minimize(f, x) # Objective function f(x)
.subject_to_box(C) # Box constraints x ∊ C
.subject_to(g, D) # General ALM constraints g(x) ∊ D
.with_param(p, [1]) # Parameter with default value (can be changed later)
Numerical values of the problem (like the bounds and the parameters) can be specified when generating the problem, or can be modified after loading it:
# You can change the bounds and parameters after loading the problem
problem.param = [10.0]
problem.D.lowerbound[1] = -1e20
Selecting a solver#
The solvers in this package consist of an inner solver that can handle box
constraints, such as PANOC,
and an outer ALM solver that relaxes the general constraints
# %% Build a solver with the default parameters
import alpaqa as pa
inner_solver = pa.PANOCSolver()
solver = pa.ALMSolver(inner_solver)
Each solver has its own set of optional parameters that can be specified using a dictionary, for example:
# %% Build a solver with custom parameters
inner_solver = pa.PANOCSolver(
'max_iter': 1000,
'stop_crit': pa.PANOCStopCrit.FPRNorm,
'memory': 10,
solver = pa.ALMSolver(
'tolerance': 1e-10,
'dual_tolerance': 1e-10,
'initial_penalty': 50,
'penalty_update_factor': 20,
For a full overview and description of all parameters, see the
Parameters page. For example, you can find the documentation for
, alpaqa::LBFGSParams
, and
Some inner solvers can be configured with alternative fast directions. For
example, the PANOC solver uses the alpaqa::StructuredLBFGSDirection
by default, but can also make use of e.g. alpaqa::LBFGSDirection
or alpaqa::AndersonDirection
# %% Build a solver with alternative fast directions
direction = pa.LBFGSDirection({'memory': 10})
inner_solver = pa.PANOCSolver({"stop_crit": pa.FPRNorm}, direction)
solver = pa.ALMSolver(
'tolerance': 1e-10,
'dual_tolerance': 1e-10,
'initial_penalty': 50,
'penalty_update_factor': 20,
Solving the problem#
Finally, you can obtain a solution by passing the problem specification to the
solver. This returns the local minimizer
# %% Compute a solution
x_sol, y_sol, stats = solver(problem)
Optionally, you can supply an initial guess for both the decision variables
and y0
are zero.
# %% Compute a solution
# Set initial guesses at arbitrary values
x0 = [0.1, 1.8] # decision variables
y0 = [0.0, 0.0] # Lagrange multipliers for g(x)
# Solve the problem
x_sol, y_sol, stats = solver(problem, x0, y0)
# Print the results
print(f"Solution: {x_sol}")
print(f"Multipliers: {y_sol}")
print(f"Cost: {problem.eval_f(x_sol):.5f}")
This will print something similar to:
Solution: [-0.25 0.57813]
Multipliers: [10.3125 0. ]
Cost: 4.22119
It is highly recommended to always check the solver status in
to make sure that it actually converged.
The stats
variable contains some other solver statistics as well, for
both the outer and the inner solver. You can find a full overview in the
documentation of alpaqa::ALMSolver::Stats
and alpaqa::InnerStatsAccumulator<PANOCStats>
A contour plot of the objective function, with the constraints shown in black, and the iterates produced by the solver in red. The red circle indicates the optimal solution.#