12namespace fs = std::filesystem;
38 const fs::path &file,
Options &opts);
The main polymorphic minimization problem interface.
length_t get_n() const
[Required] Number of decision variables.
length_t get_m() const
[Required] Number of constraints.
vec initial_guess_y
Multipliers g.
vec initial_guess_x
vec initial_guess_w
Multipliers bounds.
std::optional< ConstrCount > general_constr_count
alpaqa::TypeErasedProblem< config_t > problem
std::optional< ConstrCount > box_constr_count
LoadedProblem load_problem(std::string_view type, const fs::path &dir, const fs::path &file, Options &opts)
std::shared_ptr< alpaqa::EvalCounter > evaluations
length_t ub
Number of variables with only upper bound.
length_t eq
Number of variables with equal bounds.
length_t lb
Number of variables with only lower bound.
length_t lbub
Number of variables with both bounds.
Double-precision double configuration.