Most alpaqa solvers deal with problems in the following form:
\[ \begin{equation}\tag{P}\label{eq:problem_main} \begin{aligned} & \underset{x}{\text{minimize}} & & f(x) &&&& f : \Rn \rightarrow \R \\ & \text{subject to} & & \underline{x} \le x \le \overline{x} \\ &&& \underline{z} \le g(x) \le \overline{z} &&&& g : \Rn \rightarrow \Rm \end{aligned} \end{equation} \]
The solver needs to be able to evaluate the following required functions and derivatives:
Usually, automatic differentiation (AD) is used to evaluate the gradients and gradient-vector products. Many AD software packages are available, see e.g. for an overview.
Additionally, the solver needs to be able to project onto the rectangular sets
\[ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} C &\;\defeq\; \defset{x \in \Rn}{\underline{x} \le x \le \overline{x}}, \\ D &\;\defeq\; \defset{z \in \Rm}{\underline{z} \le z \le \overline{z}}. \end{aligned} \end{equation} \]
The alpaqa solvers access the problem functions through the API outlined in alpaqa::TypeErasedProblem.
Usually, problems are defined using C++ structs, providing the evaluations described above as public member functions. These problem structs are structurally typed, which means that they only need to provide member functions with the correct names and signatures. Inheriting from a common base class is not required.
As an example, the following struct defines a problem that can be passed to the alpaqa solvers. Detailed descriptions of each function can be found in the alpaqa::TypeErasedProblem documentation.
Convenience classes with default implementations of some of these functions are provided for common use cases:
The user can simply inherit from these classes to inject the default implementations into their problem definition, as demonstrated in the following examples.
It is highly recommended to study the C++/CustomCppProblem/main.cpp example now to see how optimization problems can be formulated in practice, before we continue with some more specialized use cases.
Some solvers can exploit information about the Hessian of the (augmented) Lagrangian of the problem. To use these solvers, some of the following functions are required, they should be added as member functions to your problem struct.
Sparse matrices are stored in compressed column storage (CCS) format. For symmetric Hessian matrices, only the upper triangle is stored. Upon initialization, the number of nonzeros is queried by the solver using the get_xyz_num_nonzeros()
function, and storage is allocated for the arrays of column/row indices and for the nonzero values. Then the eval_xyz()
function is called once with an empty values
argument (values.size() == 0
), indicating that the column/row indices representing the sparsity should be initialized. Subsequent calls to eval_xyz()
then pass a non-empty values
argument, in addition to the initialized column/row indices, and the user should then overwrite the nonzero values of the matrix.
If the matrix is dense, get_xyz_num_nonzeros()
should return zero, the column/row indices are not used, and the values
argument to eval_xyz()
provides storage for a dense column-major matrix.
Some solvers do not require the full Hessian matrices, but use Hessian-vector products only, for example when using Newton-CG. These products can often be computed efficiently using automatic differentiation, at a computational cost that's not much higher than a gradient evaluation.
The TypeErasedProblem class provides functions to query which optional problem functions are available. For example, provides_eval_jac_g returns true if the problem provides an implementation for eval_jac_g. Calling an optional function that is not provided results in an alpaqa::not_implemented_error exception being thrown.
In practice, the solvers do not always evaluate the functions \( f(x) \) and \( g(x) \) directly. Instead, they evaluate the Lagrangian and augmented Lagrangian functions of the problem. In many applications, such as single-shooting optimal control problems, some computations are common to the evaluation of both \( f(x) \) and \( g(x) \), and significant speedups can be achieved by providing implementations that evaluate both at the same time, or even compute the (augmented) Lagrangian directly. Similarly, when using automatic differentiation, evaluation of the gradient \( \nabla f(x) \) produces the function value \( f(x) \) as a byproduct, motivating the simultaneous evaluation of these quantities as well.
The full list of these combined evaluations can be found in the TypeErasedProblem documentation. They can be provided in the same fashion as eval_f