template<Config Conf>
struct alpaqa::ProblemVTable< Conf >
Definition at line 19 of file type-erased-problem.hpp.
static real_t | calc_ŷ_dᵀŷ (const void *self, rvec g_ŷ, crvec y, crvec Σ, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static index_t | default_eval_inactive_indices_res_lna (const void *, real_t, crvec, crvec, rindexvec, const ProblemVTable &) |
static void | default_eval_jac_g (const void *, crvec, rindexvec, rindexvec, rvec, const ProblemVTable &) |
static length_t | default_get_jac_g_num_nonzeros (const void *, const ProblemVTable &) |
static void | default_eval_grad_gi (const void *, crvec, index_t, rvec, const ProblemVTable &) |
static void | default_eval_hess_L_prod (const void *, crvec, crvec, real_t, crvec, rvec, const ProblemVTable &) |
static void | default_eval_hess_L (const void *, crvec, crvec, real_t, rindexvec, rindexvec, rvec, const ProblemVTable &) |
static length_t | default_get_hess_L_num_nonzeros (const void *, const ProblemVTable &) |
static void | default_eval_hess_ψ_prod (const void *self, crvec x, crvec y, crvec, real_t scale, crvec v, rvec Hv, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static void | default_eval_hess_ψ (const void *self, crvec x, crvec y, crvec, real_t scale, rindexvec inner_idx, rindexvec outer_ptr, rvec H_values, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static length_t | default_get_hess_ψ_num_nonzeros (const void *, const ProblemVTable &) |
static real_t | default_eval_f_grad_f (const void *self, crvec x, rvec grad_fx, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static real_t | default_eval_f_g (const void *self, crvec x, rvec g, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static void | default_eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod (const void *self, crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_f, rvec grad_gxy, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static void | default_eval_grad_L (const void *self, crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_L, rvec work_n, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static real_t | default_eval_ψ (const void *self, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec ŷ, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static void | default_eval_grad_ψ (const void *self, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static real_t | default_eval_ψ_grad_ψ (const void *self, crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m, const ProblemVTable &vtable) |
static const Box & | default_get_box_C (const void *, const ProblemVTable &) |
static const Box & | default_get_box_D (const void *, const ProblemVTable &) |
static void | default_check (const void *, const ProblemVTable &) |
required_const_function_t< void(crvec z, rvec e)> | eval_proj_diff_g |
required_const_function_t< void(rvec y, real_t M)> | eval_proj_multipliers |
required_const_function_t< real_t(real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x̂, rvec p)> | eval_prox_grad_step |
required_const_function_t< real_t(crvec x)> | eval_f |
required_const_function_t< void(crvec x, rvec grad_fx)> | eval_grad_f |
required_const_function_t< void(crvec x, rvec gx)> | eval_g |
required_const_function_t< void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_gxy)> | eval_grad_g_prod |
optional_const_function_t< index_t(real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rindexvec J)> | eval_inactive_indices_res_lna = default_eval_inactive_indices_res_lna |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, rindexvec inner_idx, rindexvec outer_ptr, rvec J_values)> | eval_jac_g = default_eval_jac_g |
optional_const_function_t< length_t()> | get_jac_g_num_nonzeros = default_get_jac_g_num_nonzeros |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, index_t i, rvec grad_gi)> | eval_grad_gi = default_eval_grad_gi |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, crvec y, real_t scale, crvec v, rvec Hv)> | eval_hess_L_prod = default_eval_hess_L_prod |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, crvec y, real_t scale, rindexvec inner_idx, rindexvec outer_ptr, rvec H_values)> | eval_hess_L = default_eval_hess_L |
optional_const_function_t< length_t()> | get_hess_L_num_nonzeros = default_get_hess_L_num_nonzeros |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, real_t scale, crvec v, rvec Hv)> | eval_hess_ψ_prod = default_eval_hess_ψ_prod |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, real_t scale, rindexvec inner_idx, rindexvec outer_ptr, rvec H_values)> | eval_hess_ψ = default_eval_hess_ψ |
optional_const_function_t< length_t()> | get_hess_ψ_num_nonzeros = default_get_hess_ψ_num_nonzeros |
optional_const_function_t< real_t(crvec x, rvec grad_fx)> | eval_f_grad_f = default_eval_f_grad_f |
optional_const_function_t< real_t(crvec x, rvec g)> | eval_f_g = default_eval_f_g |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_f, rvec grad_gxy)> | eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod = default_eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, crvec y, rvec grad_L, rvec work_n)> | eval_grad_L = default_eval_grad_L |
optional_const_function_t< real_t(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec ŷ)> | eval_ψ = default_eval_ψ |
optional_const_function_t< void(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m)> | eval_grad_ψ = default_eval_grad_ψ |
optional_const_function_t< real_t(crvec x, crvec y, crvec Σ, rvec grad_ψ, rvec work_n, rvec work_m)> | eval_ψ_grad_ψ = default_eval_ψ_grad_ψ |
optional_const_function_t< const Box &()> | get_box_C = default_get_box_C |
optional_const_function_t< const Box &()> | get_box_D = default_get_box_D |
optional_const_function_t< void()> | check = default_check |
length_t | n |
length_t | m |
required_const_function_t< void(void *storage)> | copy = nullptr |
| Copy-construct a new instance into storage.
required_function_t< void(void *storage)> | move = nullptr |
| Move-construct a new instance into storage.
required_function_t< void()> | destroy = nullptr |
| Destruct the given instance.
const std::type_info * | type = &typeid(void) |
| The original type of the stored object.