CMake API Reference#

To include alpaqa in your CMake project, use the find_package command:

find_package(alpaqa 1.0.0 [EXACT] [QUIET] [REQUIRED]
             [COMPONENTS <components> ...]
             [OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS <components> ...])

Components and targets#

alpaqa comes with multiple optional components, some of which can be packaged and installed independently. The available components are:





The main alpaqa solvers and other core functionality. If no components are specified, this is the default.



The dynamic loading C API headers for creating problems that can be loaded by the alpaqa solvers.



Classes for loading and building problem definitions using CasADi.

casadi-loader, casadi-ocp-loader


Additional solvers and problem loaders that fall outside of the core library.

dl-loader, cutest-interface, ipopt-adapter, lbfgsb-adapter, qpalm-adapter


Command-line tools for invoking the solvers.

driver, gradient-checker

Targets are prefixed with alpaqa::. For example, to link with the main alpaqa library, use:

target_link_libraries(<target> PUBLIC alpaqa::alpaqa)

To check whether a certain target is available, you can use:

if (TARGET alpaqa::qpalm-adapter)
    # ...



Create a target for a problem that can be dymanically loaded by the alpaqa solvers.

alpaqa_add_dl_problem_module(<target> [LINK_ALPAQA] [VISIBILITY_DEFAULT] [NO_CXX_20]
                             [FUNCTION_NAME <name>] [FILES [<file> ...]])

This function creates a CMake module library target with the given name <target>, configures the correct visibility settings, generates an export header, and links to the correct alpaqa targets.

If the FILES option is given, the provided files are added to the target. Otherwise, the source file ${target}.cpp in the current folder is used.

In addition to linking to the alpaqa::dl-api headers, the main alpaqa::alpaqa library is linked as well if the LINK_ALPAQA option is provided. This is useful if you need any of the utility functions provided by alpaqa.

If the VISIBILITY_DEFAULT option is given the visibility settings are not altered.

By default, C++20 support is enabled, unless the NO_CXX_20 is given.

FUNCTION_NAME can be used to set the name of the registration function to expose. It should match the function defined in the module (which should have C linkage, using extern "C").


This function requires the alpaqa Dl component to be loaded:

find_package(alpaqa 1.0.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Dl)

If LINK_ALPAQA is specified, both the Core and Dl components are required.