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In what follows we give a few code snippets in MATLAB and compare SuperSCS with SCS.
This is a preliminary study to show that SuperSCS outperforms SCS, but a more thorough analysis is necessary.
In what follows we compare the two algorithms using five different types of problems: (i) a LASSO problem ( \(\ell_1\)-regularized least squares), (ii) a semidefinite program (SDP) and, in particular, a minimum-norm problem and an LMI-constrained problem, (iii) a logistic regression problem, (iv) a minimum \(p\)-norm problem, (v) a 2-norm-constrained minimum-norm problem and, last , (vi) a matrix completion problem involving the nuclear norm.
v4.8.5 and accessed via MATLAB® using a MEX interface.We solve a simple LASSO problem of the form
\[ \mathrm{Minimize}_x\ \textstyle\frac{1}{2} \|Ax-b\|^2 + \mu \|x\|_1, \]
with \(x\in\mathbb{R}^n\), \(A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}\).
Here \(n=10000\), \(m=2000\).
We define the problem data as follows:
Note that \(A\) is a sparse matrix with density \(10\%\) and reciprocal condition number \(0.1\).
We then formulate the problem in CVX with accuracy \(\epsilon=10^{-4}\).
We solve it using SuperSCS with restarted Broyden directions with memory \(100\) and using \(k_0=0\):
Notice that we may pass any parameters to SCS using CVX's cvx_solver_settings
SuperSCS with the above options terminates after \(169\) iterations and \(85.1\) s.
Instead, SCS requires \(3243\) iterations which corresponds to \(802\) s.
SuperSCS exhibits a speed-up of \(\times 9.4\).
are set to their default values.Here we solve the problem
\begin{eqnarray*} &&\mathrm{Minimize}_{Z}\ \|Z-P\|_{\mathrm{fro}}\\ &&Z\geq 0\\ &&Z: \mathrm{Hermitian},\ \mathrm{Toeplitz} \end{eqnarray*}
SuperSCS solves this problem in \(218\)s ( \(103\) iterations), whereas SCS requires \(500\)s to terminate ( \(392\) iterations).
Another interesting SDP problem is that of determining a symmetric positive definite matrix \(P\) which solves
\begin{eqnarray*} &&\mathrm{Minimize}_{P}\ \mathrm{trace}(P)\\ &&P=P'\\ &&P \geq I\\ &&A'P + PA \leq -I \end{eqnarray*}
For this example we chose a (stable) matrix \(A\) with its eigenvalues uniformly logarithmically spaced between \(-10^{-1}\) and \(-10^{1}\).
SuperSCS converges after \(40.7\)s ( \(314\) iterations), whereas SCS converges after \(415\)s ( \(4748\) iterations)
Here we solve the following \(\ell_1\)-regularized logistic regression problem:
\[ \mathrm{Minimize}_w\ \lambda \|w\|_1 - \sum_{i}\log(1+\exp(a' w_i + b)) \]
We formulate the problem as follows:
For \(\epsilon=10^{-3}\), SuperSCS terminates after \(131\)s ( \(134\) iterations), while SCS requires \(329\)s ( \(675\) iterations).
For \(\epsilon=10^{-4}\), SuperSCS requires \(179\)s ( \(183\) iterations), whereas SCS still requires as much as \(497\)s ( \(983\) iterations).
In both cases, SuperSCS is about \(2.5\) times faster.
Consider the problem
\begin{eqnarray*} &&\mathrm{Minimize}_x\ \|x\|_p\\ &&Gx = f \end{eqnarray*}
This is the problem formulation in CVX
For \(\epsilon=10^{-3}\), SuperSCS converged after \(11.3\)s ( \(1355\) iterations) , while SCS required \(39\)s ( \(4911\) iters).
For \(\epsilon=10^{-4}\), SuperSCS terminated after 17s ( \(4909\) iterations), while SCS failed to terminate within \(10^4\) iterations.
Here we solve a constrained problem of the form
\begin{eqnarray*} &&\mathrm{Minimize}_x\ \|Ax-b\|\\ &&\|Gx\| \leq 1 \end{eqnarray*}
with \(x\in\mathbb{R}^m\), \(A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}\) and \(G\in\mathbb{R}^{2n\times n}\).
The problem data are:
And we need to solve it up to an accuracy of \(\epsilon=10^{-3}\).
The problem is formulated in CVX as follows:
SuperSCS converges after \(37.1\)s ( \(116\) iterations).
On the other hand, SCS did not converge after \(242s\) ( \(5000\) iterations).
Note that SuperSCS can attain much higher precision; for instance, it converges with \(\epsilon=10^{-4}\) in \(41.2\)s ( \(131\) iterations) and with \(\epsilon=10^{-6}\) it converges after \(58\)s ( \(194\) iterations).
Let \(M\) be a given matrix whose elements \(\{(i,j)\}_{i\in I, j\in J}\) are missing.
Here, we formulate the matrix completion problem as a nuclear norm minimization problem.
\begin{eqnarray*} &&\mathrm{Minimize}_{X}\ \|X-M\|_{\mathrm{fro}}^2 + \lambda \|X\|_{*}\\ &&X_{i',j'} = M_{i',j'},\ \forall i'\notin I,\ j'\notin J \end{eqnarray*}
Problem formulation:
Problem solution:
SuperSCS (with Broyden directions and memory 50) converges in \(22s\) ( \(128\) iterations), whereas SCS takes \(43s\) ( \(677\) iterations).
Here we solve the following portfolio selection problem:
\begin{eqnarray*} &&\mathrm{Maximize}_z\ \mu'z - \gamma z'\Sigma z\\ &&1'z = 1\\ &&z \geq 0, \end{eqnarray*}
where \(z\) is the portfolio of assets, \(\mu\) is the vector of expected returns, \(\gamma\) is a risk-aversion parameter and \(\Sigma=F'F+D\) is the asset return covariance matrix with \(F\) being the factor loading matrix and \(D\) is a diagonal matrix called the asset-specific risk.
The problem is generated as follows:
The problem is solved using CVX as follows:
The above problem is solved in \(46.7\)s and at \(292\) iterations with SuperSCS running with restarted Broyden directions with memory equal to \(100\).
The respective results for SCS are \(157\)s and \(3050\) iterations (approximately \(3.3\) times slower).
For a lower tolerance of \(\epsilon=10^{-3}\) , SuperSCS with memory equal to \(100\) terminates at \(162\) iterations after \(23.5\)s while SCS converges after \(43.9\)s at \(787\) iterations.
Here we solve the following sparse PCA problem (using an \(\ell_1\)-regularization).
The problem has the form
\begin{eqnarray*} &&\mathrm{Maximize}_X\ \mathrm{trace}(SX) - \lambda \|X\|_1\\ && \mathrm{trace}(X) = 1\\ && X = X' \succeq 0 \end{eqnarray*}
SuperSCS: \(7.6\)s, \(95\) iterations
SCS: \(65\)s, \(2291\) iterations
Speed-up: \(\times 8.6\)
Instead of using cvx_solver_settings
to provide the SuperSCS configuration options, you may use scs_set_options
to which you may pass a SuperSCSConfig
object which can be constructed from the namesake factory class.
Here is an example:
Ready-to-use sets of configuration options are the following
Anderson's acceleration with memory equal to 10SuperSCSConfig.broydenConfig()
Restarted Broyden method with memory equal to 50SuperSCSConfig.fprDirectionConfig()
simple Douglas-Rachford algorithmSuperSCSConfig.scsConfig()
original SCS implementationYou may use SuperSCSConfig
and override some of the default parameters as follows