Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- calc_ŷ_dᵀŷ() : ProblemVTable< Conf >, TypeErasedProblem< Conf, Allocator >
- calc_augmented_lagrangian_hessian_prod_fd() : PANOCHelpers< Conf >
- calc_err_z() : PANOCHelpers< Conf >
- calc_error_stop_crit() : PANOCHelpers< Conf >
- call() : CUTEstLoader, TypeErasedControlProblem< Conf, Allocator >, TypeErasedProblem< Conf, Allocator >, TypeErased< VTable, Allocator, SmallBufferSize >
- call_extra_func() : DLControlProblem, DLProblem
- call_extra_func_helper() : ExtraFuncs
- CasADiControlProblem() : CasADiControlProblem< Conf >
- CasADiFunctionEvaluator() : CasADiFunctionEvaluator< Conf, N_in, N_out >
- CasADiProblem() : CasADiProblem< Conf >
- cast() : any_ptr
- cbegin() : CircularRange< IndexT >, ReverseCircularRange< IndexT >
- cend() : CircularRange< IndexT >, ReverseCircularRange< IndexT >
- changed_γ() : AndersonDirection< Conf >, ConvexNewtonDirection< Conf >, LBFGSDirection< Conf >, NewtonTRDirection< Conf >, NoopDirection< Conf >, PANOCDirection< Conf >, PANTRDirection< Conf >, StructuredLBFGSDirection< Conf >, StructuredNewtonDirection< Conf >
- check() : CasADiControlProblem< Conf >, ControlProblemWithCounters< Problem >, DLControlProblem, ProblemWithCounters< Problem >, TypeErasedControlProblem< Conf, Allocator >, TypeErasedProblem< Conf, Allocator >
- check_all_stop_conditions() : PANOCHelpers< Conf >
- CircularIndexIterator() : CircularIndexIterator< IndexT >
- CircularIndices() : CircularIndices< IndexT >
- CircularRange() : CircularRange< IndexT >
- ck() : OCPVariables< Conf >
- cleanup() : CUTEstLoader, TypeErased< VTable, Allocator, SmallBufferSize >
- clear_reorth_count() : LimitedMemoryQR< Conf >
- colind() : Function::Sparsity
- combine_bound_constr() : LinConstrConverter< Conf, IndexT, StorageIndexT >
- combine_bounds_multipliers() : IpoptAdapter::Results
- compl_indices() : IndexSet< Conf >
- compute() : AndersonAccel< Conf >
- compute_complement() : IndexSet< Conf >
- ConstrCount() : ConstrCount
- construct_inplace() : TypeErased< VTable, Allocator, SmallBufferSize >
- ControlProblemVTable() : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >
- ControlProblemWithCounters() : ControlProblemWithCounters< Problem >
- convert_sparsity() : SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex >, Dense< Conf > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFromTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex >, Dense< Conf > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >
- convert_values() : SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, Dense< Conf > >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex >, Dense< Conf > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFromTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex >, Dense< Conf > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< Sparsity< Conf >, To >
- ConvexNewtonDirection() : ConvexNewtonDirection< Conf >
- copyable_unique_ptr() : copyable_unique_ptr< T >
- count_bounds() : LinConstrConverter< Conf, IndexT, StorageIndexT >
- crbegin() : CircularRange< IndexT >, ReverseCircularRange< IndexT >
- create() : OCPVariables< Conf >
- create_AB() : OCPVariables< Conf >
- create_qr() : OCPVariables< Conf >
- crend() : CircularRange< IndexT >, ReverseCircularRange< IndexT >
- current_history() : AndersonAccel< Conf >, LBFGS< Conf, Storage >, LimitedMemoryQR< Conf >
- CUTEstLoader() : CUTEstLoader
- CUTEstProblem() : CUTEstProblem