Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- i : CircularIndexIterator< IndexT >, Dim< Conf >::Horizon::Iter
- idx : LBFGS< Conf, Storage >
- idx1 : CircularRange< IndexT >
- idx2 : CircularRange< IndexT >
- impl : CasADiControlProblem< Conf >, CasADiProblem< Conf >, CUTEstProblem
- inactive_indices_res_lna : EvalCounter::EvalTimer, EvalCounter
- incref : Function::Functions
- index : enumerate_t< Rng >::iter_t
- indices : OCPVariables< Conf >
- indices_N : OCPVariables< Conf >
- infeasibility : IpoptAdapter::Results
- init_mem : Function::Functions
- initial_guess : IpoptAdapter
- initial_guess_bounds_multipliers : IpoptAdapter
- initial_guess_multipliers : IpoptAdapter
- initial_guess_w : LoadedProblem
- initial_guess_x : LoadedProblem
- initial_guess_y : LoadedProblem
- initial_penalty : ALMParams< Conf >
- initial_penalty_factor : ALMParams< Conf >
- initial_radius : PANTRParams< Conf >
- initial_tolerance : ALMParams< Conf >
- initialize_box_C : alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- initialize_box_D : alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- initialize_l1_reg : alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- initialized : AndersonAccel< Conf >
- inner : ALMSolver< InnerSolverT >::Stats
- inner_convergence_failures : ALMSolver< InnerSolverT >::Stats
- inner_idx : LinConstrConverter< Conf, IndexT, StorageIndexT >::SparseView, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFromTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, alpaqa_sparse_csc_l_t, alpaqa_sparse_csc_ll_t, alpaqa_sparse_csc_t
- inner_iter : AlpaqaSolverStatsCollector< Conf >::Record, SolverResults
- inner_solver : ALMSolver< InnerSolverT >
- instance : DLControlProblem, DLProblem, TypeErased< VTable, Allocator, SmallBufferSize >::Deallocator, alpaqa_control_problem_register_t, alpaqa_problem_register_t
- invalid_size : TypeErased< VTable, Allocator, SmallBufferSize >
- io_buffer : CUTEstLoader
- iout : CUTEstLoader
- is_const : any_ptr
- it : MaxHistory< T >, enumerate_t< Rng >::iter_t, enumerate_t< Rng >::sentinel_t, iter_range_adapter< It >
- iter_count : IpoptAdapter::Results
- iterations : FISTAStats< Conf >, InnerStatsAccumulator< FISTAStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< lbfgsb::LBFGSBStats >, InnerStatsAccumulator< lbfgspp::LBFGSBStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< PANOCOCPStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< PANOCStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< PANTRStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< WolfeStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< ZeroFPRStats< Conf > >, LBFGSBStats, LBFGSBStats< Conf >, PANOCOCPStats< Conf >, PANOCStats< Conf >, PANTRStats< Conf >, WolfeStats< Conf >, ZeroFPRStats< Conf >
- iw : Function::Work