Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- s() : LBFGS< Conf, Storage >, LBFGSStorage< Conf >
- S() : OCPEvaluator< Conf >
- S_prod() : OCPEvaluator< Conf >
- scale_R() : AndersonAccel< Conf >, LimitedMemoryQR< Conf >
- scale_y() : LBFGS< Conf, Storage >
- ScopedMallocChecker() : ScopedMallocChecker< bool >
- set_intersection_iterable() : set_intersection_iterable< R1, R2, Comp, Proj1, Proj2 >
- set_params() : Options
- set_progress_callback() : FISTASolver< Conf >, LBFGSBSolver, PANOCOCPSolver< Conf >, PANOCSolver< DirectionT >, PANTRSolver< DirectionT >, WolfeSolver< DirectionT >, ZeroFPRSolver< DirectionT >
- setup_problem() : CUTEstLoader
- size() : Function::Sparsity, LimitedMemoryQR< Conf >, OCPVariables< Conf >
- size1() : Function::Sparsity
- size1_in() : Function
- size1_out() : Function
- size2() : Function::Sparsity
- size2_in() : Function
- size2_out() : Function
- size_in() : Function
- size_indicates_const() : TypeErased< VTable, Allocator, SmallBufferSize >
- size_indicates_ownership() : TypeErased< VTable, Allocator, SmallBufferSize >
- size_N() : OCPVariables< Conf >
- size_out() : Function
- sizes() : IndexSet< Conf >
- Sk() : OCPEvaluator< Conf >
- Sk_prod() : OCPEvaluator< Conf >
- skip_comments() : CSVReader< F >
- solve() : ConvexNewtonDirection< Conf >, LimitedMemoryQR< Conf >, SteihaugCG< Conf >
- solve_col() : LimitedMemoryQR< Conf >
- solve_masked() : StatefulLQRFactor< Conf >
- SolverWrapper() : SolverWrapper
- Sparsity() : Function::Sparsity, Sparsity< Conf >
- sparsity_in() : Function
- sparsity_out() : Function
- SparsityConverter() : SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, Dense< Conf > >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex >, Dense< Conf > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFromTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex >, Dense< Conf > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< Sparsity< Conf >, To >
- StatefulLQRFactor() : StatefulLQRFactor< Conf >
- SteihaugCG() : SteihaugCG< Conf >
- stop() : ALMSolver< InnerSolverT >, AtomicStopSignal, FISTASolver< Conf >, LBFGSBSolver, LBFGSBSolver< Conf >, PANOCOCPSolver< Conf >, PANOCSolver< DirectionT >, PANTRSolver< DirectionT >, WolfeSolver< DirectionT >, ZeroFPRSolver< DirectionT >
- stop_crit_requires_grad_ψx̂() : PANOCHelpers< Conf >
- stop_requested() : AtomicStopSignal
- strtod_ovl() : CSVReader< F >
- StructuredLBFGSDirection() : StructuredLBFGSDirection< Conf >
- StructuredNewtonDirection() : StructuredNewtonDirection< Conf >
- succ() : LBFGS< Conf, Storage >
- supports_eval_hess_ψ() : TypeErasedProblem< Conf, Allocator >
- supports_eval_hess_ψ_prod() : TypeErasedProblem< Conf, Allocator >