Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- e -
- e : StatefulLQRFactor< Conf >
- eager_gradient_eval : PANOCParams< Conf >
- elapsed_time : ALMSolver< InnerSolverT >::Stats, FISTAStats< Conf >, InnerStatsAccumulator< FISTAStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< lbfgsb::LBFGSBStats >, InnerStatsAccumulator< lbfgspp::LBFGSBStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< PANOCOCPStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< PANOCStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< PANTRStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< WolfeStats< Conf > >, InnerStatsAccumulator< ZeroFPRStats< Conf > >, LBFGSBStats, LBFGSBStats< Conf >, PANOCOCPStats< Conf >, PANOCStats< Conf >, PANTRStats< Conf >, WolfeStats< Conf >, ZeroFPRStats< Conf >
- empty : join_opt, join_quote_opt
- end : CSVReader< F >
- eps : AlpaqaSolverStatsCollector< Conf >::Record
- eq : ConstrCount
- equatn : CUTEstLoader
- error : BenchmarkResults
- eval_ψ : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_ψ_grad_ψ : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_add_gn_hess_constr : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_add_gn_hess_constr_N : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_add_Q : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_add_Q_N : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_add_R_masked : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_add_R_prod_masked : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_add_S_masked : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_add_S_prod_masked : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_constr : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_constr_N : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_f : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_f_g : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_f_grad_f : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_g : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_ψ : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_constr_prod : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_constr_prod_N : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_f : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_f_grad_g_prod : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_f_prod : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_g_prod : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_gi : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_grad_L : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_h : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_h_N : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_hess_ψ : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_hess_ψ_prod : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_hess_L : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_hess_L_prod : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_inactive_indices_res_lna : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_jac_f : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_jac_g : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_l : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_l_N : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_proj_diff_g : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_proj_multipliers : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_prox_grad_step : ProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_problem_functions_t
- eval_q_N : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- eval_qr : ControlProblemVTable< Conf >, alpaqa_control_problem_functions_t
- evals : SolverResults
- evaluations : ControlProblemWithCounters< Problem >, ProblemWithCounters< Problem >, LoadedProblem
- exc : alpaqa_exception_ptr_s
- exception : alpaqa_control_problem_register_t, alpaqa_problem_register_t
- expected_size : vec_from_file< Conf >
- extra : SolverResults
- extra_funcs : DLControlProblem, DLProblem
- extra_functions : ExtraFuncs, alpaqa_control_problem_register_t, alpaqa_problem_register_t
- extra_stats : RootOpts