Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- objective : CUTEstProblem::Report::Calls, BenchmarkResults
- objective_grad : CUTEstProblem::Report::Calls
- objective_hess : CUTEstProblem::Report::Calls
- options : BenchmarkResults
- opts_storage : Options
- order : SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex >, SparsityConversionRequest< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > >, alpaqa_sparse_coo_l_t, alpaqa_sparse_coo_ll_t, alpaqa_sparse_coo_t, alpaqa_sparse_csc_l_t, alpaqa_sparse_csc_ll_t, alpaqa_sparse_csc_t
- orig_sparsity_hess_L : IpoptAdapter
- orig_sparsity_jac_g : IpoptAdapter
- os : ALMSolver< InnerSolverT >, FISTASolver< Conf >, InnerSolveOptions< Conf >, LBFGSBSolver, LBFGSBSolver< Conf >, PANOCOCPSolver< Conf >, PANOCSolver< DirectionT >, PANTRSolver< DirectionT >, WolfeSolver< DirectionT >, ZeroFPRSolver< DirectionT >
- out : RootOpts
- outer_iter : FISTAProgressInfo< Conf >, InnerSolveOptions< Conf >, LBFGSBProgressInfo, PANOCOCPProgressInfo< Conf >, PANOCProgressInfo< Conf >, PANTRProgressInfo< Conf >, WolfeProgressInfo< Conf >, ZeroFPRProgressInfo< Conf >, AlpaqaSolverStatsCollector< Conf >::Record, SolverResults
- outer_iterations : ALMSolver< InnerSolverT >::Stats
- outer_ptr : LinConstrConverter< Conf, IndexT, StorageIndexT >::SparseView, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFromTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, alpaqa_sparse_csc_l_t, alpaqa_sparse_csc_ll_t, alpaqa_sparse_csc_t