Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- signature_t : ExternalFunction< Nm, Sgn >, Function< Nm, Sgn >
- solve_ret_t : LimitedMemoryQR< Conf >
- SolveOptions : FISTASolver< Conf >, LBFGSBSolver, LBFGSBSolver< Conf >, PANOCOCPSolver< Conf >, PANOCSolver< DirectionT >, PANTRSolver< DirectionT >, WolfeSolver< DirectionT >, ZeroFPRSolver< DirectionT >
- sp_conv_t : ConvexNewtonDirection< Conf >
- Sparsity : CasADiProblem< Conf >, CUTEstProblem, DLProblem, IpoptAdapter, ProblemVTable< Conf >, ProblemWithCounters< Problem >, TypeErasedProblem< Conf, Allocator >
- SparsityConv : IpoptAdapter
- Stats : FISTASolver< Conf >, LBFGSBSolver, LBFGSBSolver< Conf >, PANOCOCPSolver< Conf >, PANOCSolver< DirectionT >, PANTRSolver< DirectionT >, WolfeSolver< DirectionT >, ZeroFPRSolver< DirectionT >
- storage_index_t : LinConstrConverter< Conf, IndexT, StorageIndexT >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFromTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >, SparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexTo > >
- storage_t : LBFGSStorage< Conf >