►Nalpaqa | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{ocproblem-counters.cpp} | |
CCountResult | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{problem-counters.cpp} | |
CCountResult | |
Nanonymous_namespace{qpalm-adapter.cpp} | |
►Ncasadi | |
CExternalFunction | Reference to CasADi function |
►CFunction | Class that loads and calls pre-compiled CasADi functions in a DLL/SO file |
CFunctions | |
CSparsity | |
CWork | |
CName | Compile-time string for CasADi function names |
►Ncasadi_loader | |
CCasADiControlFunctionsWithParam | |
CCasADiFunctionEvaluator | Class for evaluating CasADi functions, allocating the necessary workspace storage in advance for allocation-free evaluations |
CCasADiFunctionsWithParam | |
Cinvalid_argument_dimensions | |
►Ncsv | |
CCSVReader | |
Cread_error | |
►Ncutest | |
CFunction | Reference to CUTEst function |
Cfunction_call_error | |
CName | Compile-time string for CUTEst function names |
►Ndetail | |
CALMHelpers | |
Cfunction_wrapper_t | Custom type for which we can export the RTTI to support std::any across shared library boundaries when using libc++ |
CIndexSet | |
CPANOCHelpers | |
►Ndl | |
Nanonymous_namespace{dl-problem.cpp} | |
CDLControlProblem | Class that loads an optimal control problem using dlopen |
CDLProblem | Class that loads a problem using dlopen |
►CExtraFuncs | |
CFuncTag | |
Cinvalid_abi_error | |
►Nfunctions | |
CL1Norm | ℓ₁-norm |
CL1NormComplex | ℓ₁-norm of complex numbers |
CNuclearNorm | Nuclear norm (ℓ₁-norm of singular values) |
►Nlbfgsb | |
CLBFGSBParams | Tuning parameters for the L-BFGS-B solver LBFGSBSolver |
CLBFGSBProgressInfo | |
CLBFGSBSolver | L-BFGS-B solver for ALM |
CLBFGSBStats | |
►Nlbfgspp | |
CLBFGSBSolver | L-BFGS-B solver for ALM |
CLBFGSBStats | |
►Nparams | |
Ndetail | |
Cattribute_accessor | Function wrapper to set attributes of a struct, type-erasing the type of the attribute |
Cattribute_accessor< json > | |
Cattribute_accessor< MemberGetter > | |
Cattribute_accessor< ParamString > | Function wrapper to set attributes of a struct, type-erasing the type of the attribute |
Cattribute_alias_table | Specialize this type to define the alternative attribute name to attribute setters dictionaries for a struct type T |
Cattribute_table | Specialize this type to define the attribute name to attribute setters dictionaries for a struct type T |
Cattribute_table< RootOpts, S > | |
Cattribute_table< Struct, S > | |
Cenum_accessor | Function wrapper access the enumerators of an enum, type-erasing the type of the enum |
Cenum_accessor< T, json > | |
Cenum_accessor< T, MemberGetter > | |
Cenum_accessor< T, ParamString > | |
Cenum_table | Specialize this type to define the enumerator name to value dictionaries for an enum type T |
Cinvalid_json_param | Custom parameter parsing exception |
Cinvalid_param | Custom parameter parsing exception |
CMemberGetter | |
CParamString | Represents a parameter value encoded as a string in the format abc.def.key=value |
►CResult | |
CMember | |
CRootOpts | |
CStruct | |
CValue | |
Cvec_from_file | |
►Nsets | |
CBox | |
►Nsparsity | |
►Ndetail | |
CConverterVariantHelper | |
CConverterVariantHelper< To, std::variant< Froms... > > | |
Coverloaded | |
CDense | Dense matrix structure |
CSparseCOO | Sparse coordinate list structure (COO) |
CSparseCSC | Sparse compressed-column structure (CCS or CSC) |
CSparsity | Stores any of the supported sparsity patterns |
CSparsityConversionRequest | Additional options for the conversion performed by SparsityConverter |
CSparsityConversionRequest< Dense< Conf > > | |
CSparsityConversionRequest< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex > > | |
CSparsityConversionRequest< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > > | |
CSparsityConverter | Converts one matrix storage format to another |
CSparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, Dense< Conf > > | |
CSparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex > > | |
CSparsityConverter< Dense< Conf >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex > > | |
CSparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndex >, Dense< Conf > > | |
CSparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > > | |
CSparsityConverter< SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFromTo > > | |
CSparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndex >, Dense< Conf > > | |
CSparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCOO< Conf, StorageIndexTo > > | |
CSparsityConverter< SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexFrom >, SparseCSC< Conf, StorageIndexTo > > | |
CSparsityConverter< Sparsity< Conf >, To > | Converts any supported matrix storage format to the given format |
►Ntag_invoke_fn_ns | |
Ctag_invoke_fn | |
Ntag_invoke_ns | |
►Nutil | |
►Ndetail | |
Cdummy | Unused unique type tag for template specializations that were rejected because some types were not distinct |
CLaunderer | |
Cbad_type_erased_constness | |
Cbad_type_erased_type | |
►CBasicVTable | Struct that stores the size of a polymorphic object, as well as pointers to functions to copy, move or destroy the object |
Coptional_function | |
Coptional_function< R(Args...) const, VTable > | |
Coptional_function< R(Args...), VTable > | |
Crequired_function | |
Crequired_function< R(Args...) const > | |
Crequired_function< R(Args...)> | |
Cclass_from_member_ptr_impl | |
Cclass_from_member_ptr_impl< Ret(C::*)(Args...) const > | |
Cclass_from_member_ptr_impl< Ret(C::*)(Args...)> | |
Ccopyable_unique_ptr | |
Cdynamic_load_error | Failed to load a DLL or SO file, or failed to access a function in it |
►Cenumerate_t | |
Citer_t | |
Csentinel_t | |
Cfirst_type_or_void | |
Cfirst_type_or_void< First, Pack... > | |
Cfirst_type_or_void<> | |
Cinvalid_duration_units | |
Cinvalid_duration_value | |
►Citer_range_adapter | |
Citer_t | |
Csentinel_t | |
Cjoin_opt | |
Cjoin_quote_opt | |
Clast_type | |
Clast_type< Only > | |
Cnoop_delete | Deleter for std::unique_ptr that just destructs the object, without deallocating |
►Cset_intersection_iterable | |
Citer_t | |
Csentinel_t | |
CTimed | |
►CTypeErased | Class for polymorphism through type erasure |
CDeallocator | Deallocates the storage when destroyed |
Rderived_from_TypeErased | |
Rno_leading_allocator | |
Nvec_util | |
CALMParams | Parameters for the Augmented Lagrangian solver |
►CALMSolver | Augmented Lagrangian Method solver |
CStats | |
CAndersonAccel | Anderson Acceleration |
CAndersonAccelParams | Parameters for the AndersonAccel class |
►CAndersonDirection | |
CParams | |
CAndersonDirectionParams | Parameters for the AndersonDirection class |
Cany_ptr | Like std::any, but storing just the pointer, without any dynamic allocation |
CAtomicStopSignal | |
CBoxConstrProblem | Implements common problem functions for minimization problems with box constraints |
CCasADiControlProblem | |
CCasADiFunctions | |
CCasADiProblem | Problem definition for a CasADi problem, loaded from a DLL |
CCBFGSParams | Cautious BFGS update |
CCircularIndexIterator | |
CCircularIndices | |
CCircularRange | |
CControlProblemVTable | |
CControlProblemWithCounters | |
►CConvexNewtonDirection | |
CParams | |
CConvexNewtonDirectionParams | Parameters for the ConvexNewtonDirection class |
CConvexNewtonRegularizationParams | Parameters for the ConvexNewtonDirection class |
►CCUTEstLoader | |
CConstrFuncs | |
►CCUTEstProblem | Wrapper for CUTEst problems loaded from an external shared library |
►CReport | The report generated by CUTEst |
CCalls | Function call counters |
CSparseStorage | |
►CDim | |
►CHorizon | |
CIter | |
CDynamicLoadFlags | Flags to be passed to dlopen |
CEigenConfig | |
CEigenConfigd | Double-precision double configuration |
CEigenConfigf | Single-precision float configuration |
CEigenConfigl | long double configuration |
►CEvalCounter | |
CEvalTimer | |
CFISTAParams | Tuning parameters for the FISTA algorithm |
CFISTAProgressInfo | |
CFISTASolver | FISTA solver for ALM |
CFISTAStats | |
CFunctionalProblem | Problem class that allows specifying the basic functions as C++ std::function s |
CInnerSolveOptions | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator< FISTAStats< Conf > > | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator< lbfgsb::LBFGSBStats > | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator< lbfgspp::LBFGSBStats< Conf > > | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator< PANOCOCPStats< Conf > > | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator< PANOCStats< Conf > > | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator< PANTRStats< Conf > > | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator< WolfeStats< Conf > > | |
CInnerStatsAccumulator< ZeroFPRStats< Conf > > | |
►CIpoptAdapter | Based on https://coin-or.github.io/Ipopt/INTERFACES.html |
CResults | |
Cis_complex_float | |
Cis_complex_float< std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_config | |
Cis_config< EigenConfigd > | |
Cis_config< EigenConfigf > | |
Cis_config< EigenConfigl > | |
Cis_config< EigenConfigq > | |
Cis_eigen_config | |
Cis_eigen_config< EigenConfigd > | |
Cis_eigen_config< EigenConfigf > | |
Cis_eigen_config< EigenConfigl > | |
Cis_eigen_config< EigenConfigq > | |
CKKTError | |
CLBFGS | Limited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm |
►CLBFGSDirection | |
CParams | |
CLBFGSDirectionParams | Parameters for the LBFGSDirection class |
CLBFGSParams | Parameters for the LBFGS class |
CLBFGSStorage | Layout: |
CLimitedMemoryQR | Incremental QR factorization using modified Gram-Schmidt with reorthogonalization |
►CLinConstrConverter | |
CSparseView | |
CLipschitzEstimateParams | Parameters for the estimation of the Lipschitz constant of the gradient of the smooth term of the cost |
CMaxHistory | Keep track of the maximum value over a specified horizon length |
►CNewtonTRDirection | |
CParams | |
CNewtonTRDirectionParams | Parameters for the NewtonTRDirection class |
►CNoopDirection | Direction provider that provides no directions (apply always returns false) |
CParams | |
Cnot_implemented_error | |
COCPDim | |
►COCPEvalCounter | |
COCPEvalTimer | |
COCPEvaluator | |
COCPVariables | |
►COwningQPALMData | |
CStorage | |
CPANOCDirection | This class outlines the interface for direction providers used by PANOC-like algorithms |
CPANOCOCPParams | Tuning parameters for the PANOC algorithm |
CPANOCOCPProgressInfo | |
CPANOCParams | Tuning parameters for the PANOC algorithm |
CPANOCProgressInfo | |
CPANOCSolver | PANOC solver for ALM |
CPANOCStats | |
CPANTRDirection | This class outlines the interface for direction providers used by PANTR-like algorithms |
CPANTRParams | Tuning parameters for the PANTR algorithm |
CPANTRProgressInfo | |
CPANTRSolver | PANTR solver for ALM |
CPANTRStats | |
CProblemVTable | Struct containing function pointers to all problem functions (like the objective and constraint functions, with their derivatives, and more) |
CProblemWithCounters | Problem wrapper that keeps track of the number of evaluations and the run time of each function |
Cprox_fn | Proximal mapping customization point |
Cprox_step_fn | Proximal mapping customization point for forward-backward steps |
CReverseCircularIndexIterator | |
CReverseCircularRange | |
CScopedMallocAllower | |
CScopedMallocBlocker | |
CScopedMallocChecker | |
CSerializedCasADiFunctions | |
CStatefulLQRFactor | |
CSteihaugCG | Steihaug conjugate gradients procedure based on https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/583e70a50573169fc352b5dc6d94588a97c7389a/scipy/optimize/_trustregion_ncg.py#L44 |
CSteihaugCGParams | Parameters for SteihaugCG |
►CStructuredLBFGSDirection | |
CParams | |
CStructuredLBFGSDirectionParams | Parameters for the StructuredLBFGSDirection class |
►CStructuredNewtonDirection | |
CParams | |
CStructuredNewtonDirectionParams | Parameters for the StructuredNewtonDirection class |
CStructuredNewtonRegularizationParams | Parameters for the StructuredNewtonDirection class |
CTypeErasedControlProblem | Nonlinear optimal control problem with finite horizon |
CTypeErasedProblem | The main polymorphic minimization problem interface |
CUnconstrProblem | Implements common problem functions for minimization problems without constraints |
CWolfeParams | Tuning parameters for the unconstrained solver with Wolfe line search |
CWolfeProgressInfo | Iterate information for the unconstrained solver with Wolfe line search |
CWolfeSolver | Unconstrained solver with Wolfe line search |
CWolfeStats | Statistics for the unconstrained solver with Wolfe line search |
CZeroFPRParams | Tuning parameters for the ZeroFPR algorithm |
CZeroFPRProgressInfo | |
CZeroFPRSolver | ZeroFPR solver for ALM |
CZeroFPRStats | |
RConfig | |
RVectorRefLike | |
Rfloat_or_complex_float | |
Rtag_invocable | |
Rnothrow_tag_invocable | |
Nanonymous_namespace{cutest-loader.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{fista-driver.cpp} | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{panoc-driver.cpp} | |
Ctag_t | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{pantr-driver.cpp} | |
Ctag_t | |
Nanonymous_namespace{problem.cpp} | |
►Ndetail | |
Coverloaded | |