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Installation instructions

This page contains detailed instructions for building and installing all of alpaqa from source. For the installation of the Python package without building it from source, as well as installation instructions for pre-built, released binaries of the C++ library and the MATLAB interface, please see these instructions instead. For instructions on how to get alpaqa through the Conan package manager, see the CMake examples.



First, install some basic tools: C and C++ compilers, Git, and Python (you'll need the development version to build alpaqa's Python interface, and we install the venv module to create virtual environments).

sudo apt install g++ gcc git python3-venv python3-dev

The alpaqa package requires a relatively recent compiler (tested using GCC 10-13, Clang (libc++) 16-17, or Clang (libstdc++) 17).

To install GCC 11 on older versions of Ubuntu, you can use

sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt install gcc-11 g++-11

To install the latest version of Clang, you can use the instructions from

bash -c "$(wget -O-"

Clone the repository

git clone --branch=develop --single-branch

Create a virtual environment

For convenience, we'll install everything into a Python virtual environment (including the C++ libraries and dependencies). This allows you to easily experiment in a sandbox, without requiring root permissions, and without the risk of messing with system packages.

cd alpaqa
python3 -m venv .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install cmake ninja casadi numpy

Install dependencies

The scripts folder contains some Bash scripts to install the necessary dependencies. Feel free to inspect and modify the installation scripts. If you already have the dependencies installed globally you can skip these steps.

bash ./scripts/ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" Release
bash ./scripts/ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" Release
bash ./scripts/ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" Release

CasADi is built as a static library because it is later statically linked into the final alpaqa libraries for better portability, this is especially useful when creating the Python package. If you need to link against CasADi dynamically, you can use the script instead.

Build and install

The following commands build and install the alpaqa C++ library into the virtual environment.
You may want to change the installation prefix, e.g. use --prefix /usr/local for a system-wide install (requires sudo), or --prefix $HOME/.local to install it for the current user.

cmake -S. -Bbuild -G "Ninja Multi-Config"
cmake --build build --config Release -j # Build in release mode
cmake --build build -t test # Run the tests
cmake --install build --prefix "$VIRTUAL_ENV" # Install the release version
cmake --build build --config Debug -j # Build in debug mode
cmake --build build -t test # Run the tests with extra checks
cmake --install build --prefix "$VIRTUAL_ENV" # Install the debug version

Installing both the release and debug versions can be very useful for checking matrix dimension errors and out of bounds accesses during development, and switching to an optimized version later.

If you changed the installation prefix, and unless you installed the package to a system folder like /usr/local, you'll have to add ~/.local to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, e.g. by adding the following to your ~/.profile file, where $HOME/.local was the prefix used in the when installing alpaqa earlier:


Then source it (. ~/.profile) or log out and back in again.


The instructions for Windows are quite similar to the ones for Linux. To install the dependencies, you can use the Powershell scripts instead of the Bash scripts:



The instructions for macOS are the same as the ones for Linux, with the caveat that the default AppleClang compiler might not yet support the necessary C++20 features used by alpaqa. If this is the case, you can use a mainline Clang compiler (version 16 or higher), that you install using Homebrew or another package manager.
You can select the compiler to use by setting the CC and CXX environment variables and reconfiguring the project, for example:

export CC=clang-16
export CXX=clang++-16
rm build/CMakeCache.txt # Remove cache to trigger a fresh CMake configuration

Xcode 15 or later include Clang 16 and are known to work.


Once the library is installed, you can use it in your own projects.

For example:


int main() {
// Use the solvers as shown in the examples
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
# Find the library you just installed:
find_package(alpaqa REQUIRED)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
# Link your executable with the library:
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE alpaqa::alpaqa)

Different targets are available. Depending on your needs, you might want to link to:

  • alpaqa::alpaqa: the core alpaqa library and solvers
  • alpaqa::casadi-loader: provides the CasADiProblem class that allows the solvers to interface with problems formulated using CasADi
  • alpaqa::casadi-ocp-loader: experimental optimal-control specific CasADi problem specification
  • alpaqa::dl-api: the stand-alone C API for formulating problems that can be loaded dynamically by alpaqa (alpaqa/dl/dl-problem.h)
  • alpaqa::dl-loader: provides the DLProblem class to load such problems
  • alpaqa::cutest-interface: provides the CUTEstProblem class for loading problems formulated using SIF/CUTEst
  • alpaqa::ipopt-adapter: allows passing any alpaqa problem to the Ipopt solver
  • alpaqa::lbfgsb-adapter: allows passing any alpaqa problem to the L-BFGS-B solver
  • alpaqa::qpalm-adapter: allows passing any alpaqa problem to the QPALM solver


After creating the virtual environment and installing the dependencies, you can install the Python module using:

pip install .

To build the Python package without installing, you can use:

pip install build
python3 -m build .


The previous steps are not required to install the MATLAB/MEX interface. We'll use Conan to manage and build the necessary dependencies.

Linux and macOS

python3 -m pip install -U conan cmake ninja
conan profile detect --force
conan export scripts/recipes/casadi
conan install . \
--build=missing \
-c tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:generator="Ninja Multi-Config" \
-of build-matlab \
-o with_matlab=True -o with_external_casadi=True
cmake --preset conan-default
cmake --build --preset conan-release -j -t alpaqa_mex
cmake --install build-matlab/build \
--prefix ~/Documents/MATLAB --component mex_interface


python -m pip install -U conan cmake ninja
conan profile detect --force
conan export scripts/recipes/casadi
conan install . \
--build=missing \
-of build-matlab \
-o with_matlab=True -o with_external_casadi=True
cmake --preset conan-default
cmake --build --preset conan-release -j -t alpaqa_mex
cmake --install build-matlab/build \
--prefix "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\MATLAB" --component mex_interface


To uninstall the alpaqa MATLAB/MEX interface, simply remove the +alpaqa directory, e.g. by running the following command in the MATLAB command window:

rmdir(fullfile(userpath, '+alpaqa'), 's')