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Nonconvex constrained optimization
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This is an example that builds a problem in C++ that can be loaded dynamically by the alpaqa solvers.

This is an example that builds a problem in C++ that can be loaded dynamically by the alpaqa solvers.The problem is a simple sparse logistic regression task.

All problem functions are implemented as member functions of the Problem class. This class also contains a member funcs of type alpaqa_problem_functions_t, which is used to expose those functions to the solvers. The provided problem functions are added to this funcs struct by the Problem constructor. To adapt the member functions to ordinary function pointers, the alpaqa::member_caller function is used.
The constructor also loads the actual classification data from the given CSV file.

The main entry point is the register_alpaqa_problem function at the bottom. It is the only function that is exported from the shared module, and it is called by the alpaqa::dl::DLProblem class when loading the problem for the solvers.
Its purpose is to create a problem instance, and return a pointer to it, as well as additional information such as how to clean up the created problem, and a pointer to the provided functions (the funcs member from earlier).

The entry point also accepts an argument with type-erased user data. You can use this to pass any additional data to the problem constructor, such as problem parameters. When using the alpaqa-driver program, the type of this user data is always a span of string views containing the problem-specific command line options (indicated by alpaqa_register_arg_t::type being set to alpaqa_register_arg_strings).
In this example, the datafile and λ_factor options are supported. The former selects the CSV file to load the data from, the latter controls the regularization parameter.

To run this example, first build the alpaqa-driver program, and then build the sparse-logistic-regression module. The regression data is generated by executing the script (requires the scikit-learn package), it outputs a CSV file that is loaded in the load_data function defined below.
Finally, execute the driver with the appropriate arguments as shown below.

export CFLAGS="-march=native"; export CXXFLAGS="-march=native"; export FFLAGS="-march=native"
cmake -Bbuild -S. -G "Ninja Multi-Config" -D CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=On
cmake --build build -j --config RelWithDebInfo -t driver
cmake --build build -j --config RelWithDebInfo -t sparse-logistic-regression
python3 -m pip install -U scikit-learn
python3 examples/problems/
./build/src/RelWithDebInfo/alpaqa-driver \
build/examples/problems/RelWithDebInfo/ \
problem.datafile=breast_cancer.csv \
problem.λ_factor=1e-5 \
sol=output/ \

The solution is written to a CSV file in the output directory.

Run ./build/src/RelWithDebInfo/alpaqa-driver without arguments for usage and argument information.

#include <sparse-logistic-regression/export.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <any>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <span>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
struct Problem {
length_t n; ///< Number of features
length_t m; ///< Number of data points
real_t λ; ///< Regularization factor
real_t μ; ///< Scaling factor
mat A; ///< Data matrix (m×n)
vec b; ///< Binary labels (m)
vec Aᵀb; ///< Work vector (n)
mutable vec Ax; ///< Work vector (m)
fs::path data_file; ///< File we loaded the data from
std::string name; ///< Name of the problem
/// φ(x) = ∑ ln(1 + exp(-b x))
real_t logistic_loss(crvec x) const {
auto &&xa = x.array();
auto &&ba = b.array();
return ((-ba * xa).exp() + 1).log().sum();
/// -dφ(x)/dx = b / (exp(b x) + 1)
void neg_deriv_logistic_loss(crvec x, rvec g) const {
auto &&xa = x.array();
auto &&ba = b.array();
g = ba / ((ba * xa).exp() + 1);
/// σ₂(x) = b exp(b x) / (exp(b x) + 1)²
/// @note Assumes that b is a binary vector (i.e. b² = b).
void sigmoid2(crvec x, rvec g) const {
auto &&xa = x.array();
auto &&ba = b.array();
g = (ba * xa).exp();
g = ba * g.array() / ((g.array() + 1) * (g.array() + 1));
/// Objective function.
real_t eval_f(const real_t *x_) const {
cmvec x{x_, n};
Ax.noalias() = A * x;
return μ * logistic_loss(Ax);
/// Gradient of objective.
void eval_grad_f(const real_t *x_, real_t *g_) const {
cmvec x{x_, n};
mvec g{g_, n};
Ax.noalias() = A * x;
// ∇(f∘A)(x) = Aᵀ∇f(Ax)
neg_deriv_logistic_loss(Ax, Ax); // Ax ← -∇f(Ax)
g.noalias() = -μ * (A.transpose() * Ax); // g ← μAᵀ∇f(Ax)
/// Hessian-vector product of objective.
void eval_hess_f_prod(const real_t *x_, const real_t *v_,
real_t *Hv_) const {
cmvec x{x_, n};
cmvec v{v_, n};
mvec Hv{Hv_, n};
Ax.noalias() = A * x;
sigmoid2(Ax, Ax);
Ax.noalias() = Ax.asDiagonal() * (A * v);
Hv.noalias() = μ * (A.transpose() * Ax);
/// Hessian of objective.
void eval_hess_f(const real_t *x_, real_t *H_) const {
cmvec x{x_, n};
mmat H{H_, n, n};
Ax.noalias() = A * x;
sigmoid2(Ax, Ax);
H.noalias() = A.transpose() * (μ * Ax.asDiagonal()) * A;
/// Hessian-vector product of Lagrangian.
void eval_hess_L_prod(const real_t *x, [[maybe_unused]] const real_t *y,
real_t scale, const real_t *v, real_t *Hv) const {
eval_hess_f_prod(x, v, Hv);
if (scale != 1)
mvec{Hv, n} *= scale;
/// Hessian-vector product of augmented Lagrangian.
void eval_hess_ψ_prod(const real_t *x, const real_t *y,
[[maybe_unused]] const real_t *Σ, real_t scale,
[[maybe_unused]] const real_t *zl,
[[maybe_unused]] const real_t *zu, const real_t *v,
real_t *Hv) const {
eval_hess_L_prod(x, y, scale, v, Hv);
/// Hessian of Lagrangian.
void eval_hess_L(const real_t *x, [[maybe_unused]] const real_t *y,
real_t scale, real_t *H) const {
eval_hess_f(x, H);
if (scale != 1)
mmat{H, n, n} *= scale;
/// Hessian of augmented Lagrangian.
void eval_hess_ψ(const real_t *x, const real_t *y,
[[maybe_unused]] const real_t *Σ, real_t scale,
[[maybe_unused]] const real_t *zl,
[[maybe_unused]] const real_t *zu, real_t *H) const {
eval_hess_L(x, y, scale, H);
/// Both the objective and its gradient.
real_t eval_f_grad_f(const real_t *x_, real_t *g_) const {
cmvec x{x_, n};
mvec g{g_, n};
Ax.noalias() = A * x;
real_t f = μ * logistic_loss(Ax);
// ∇(f∘A)(x) = Aᵀ∇f(Ax)
neg_deriv_logistic_loss(Ax, Ax); // Ax ← -∇f(Ax)
g.noalias() = -μ * (A.transpose() * Ax); // g ← μAᵀ∇f(Ax)
return f;
/// Constraints function (unconstrained).
void eval_g(const real_t *, real_t *) const {}
/// Gradient-vector product of constraints.
void eval_grad_g_prod(const real_t *, const real_t *, real_t *gr_) const {
mvec{gr_, n}.setZero();
/// Jacobian of constraints.
void eval_jac_g(const real_t *, real_t *) const {}
/// ℓ₁-regularization term.
void initialize_l1_reg(real_t *lambda, length_t *size) const {
if (!lambda) {
*size = 1;
} else {
assert(*size == 1);
*lambda = λ;
/// Loads classification data from a CSV file.
/// The first row contains the number of data points and the number of
/// features, separated by a space.
/// The second row contains the binary labels for all data points.
/// Every following row contains the values of one feature for all data
/// points.
void load_data() {
std::ifstream csv_file{data_file};
if (!csv_file)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open file '" +
data_file.string() + "'");
// Load dimensions (#data points, #features)
csv_file >> m >> n;
csv_file.ignore(1, '\n');
if (!csv_file)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Unable to read dimensions from data file");
A.resize(m, n);
// Read the target labels
alpaqa::csv::read_row(csv_file, b);
// Read the data
for (length_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
alpaqa::csv::read_row(csv_file, A.col(i));
// Name of the problem
name = "sparse logistic regression (\"" + data_file.string() + "\")";
/// Constructor loads CSV data file and exposes the problem functions by
/// initializing the @c funcs member.
Problem(fs::path csv_filename, real_t λ_factor)
: data_file(std::move(csv_filename)) {
Aᵀb.noalias() = A.transpose() * b;
real_t λ_max = Aᵀb.lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>() / static_cast<real_t>(m);
λ = λ_factor * λ_max;
μ = 1. / static_cast<real_t>(m);
using P = Problem;
funcs.n = n;
funcs.m = 0; = name.c_str();
funcs.eval_f = member_caller<&P::eval_f>();
funcs.eval_grad_f = member_caller<&P::eval_grad_f>();
funcs.eval_f_grad_f = member_caller<&P::eval_f_grad_f>();
funcs.eval_g = member_caller<&P::eval_g>();
funcs.eval_grad_g_prod = member_caller<&P::eval_grad_g_prod>();
funcs.eval_jac_g = member_caller<&P::eval_jac_g>();
funcs.eval_hess_L_prod = member_caller<&P::eval_hess_L_prod>();
funcs.eval_hess_ψ_prod = member_caller<&P::eval_hess_ψ_prod>();
funcs.eval_hess_L = member_caller<&P::eval_hess_L>();
funcs.eval_hess_ψ = member_caller<&P::eval_hess_ψ>();
if (λ > 0)
funcs.initialize_l1_reg = member_caller<&P::initialize_l1_reg>();
/// Main entry point of this file, it is called by the
/// @ref alpaqa::dl::DLProblem class.
extern "C" SPARSE_LOGISTIC_REGRESSION_EXPORT alpaqa_problem_register_t
register_alpaqa_problem(alpaqa_register_arg_t user_data_v) noexcept try {
// Check and convert user arguments
if (!
throw std::invalid_argument("Missing user data");
if (user_data_v.type != alpaqa_register_arg_strings)
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid user data type");
using param_t = std::span<std::string_view>;
const auto &opts = *reinterpret_cast<param_t *>(;
std::vector<unsigned> used(opts.size());
// CSV file to load dataset from
std::string_view datafilename;
alpaqa::params::set_params(datafilename, "datafile", opts, used);
if (datafilename.empty())
throw std::invalid_argument("Missing option problem.datafile");
// Regularization factor
real_t λ_factor = 0.1;
alpaqa::params::set_params(λ_factor, "λ_factor", opts, used);
// Check any unused options
auto unused_opt = std::find(used.begin(), used.end(), 0);
auto unused_idx = static_cast<size_t>(unused_opt - used.begin());
if (unused_opt != used.end())
throw std::invalid_argument("Unused problem option: " +
// Build and expose problem
auto problem = std::make_unique<Problem>(datafilename, λ_factor);
result.functions = &problem->funcs;
result.instance = problem.release();
result.cleanup = [](void *instance) {
delete static_cast<Problem *>(instance);
return result;
} catch (...) {
return {.exception = new alpaqa_exception_ptr_t{std::current_exception()}};
/// Returns the alpaqa DL ABI version. This version is verified for
/// compatibility by the @ref alpaqa::dl::DLProblem constructor before
/// registering the problem.
extern "C" SPARSE_LOGISTIC_REGRESSION_EXPORT alpaqa_dl_abi_version_t
register_alpaqa_problem_version() {
Definition config.hpp:77
Definition dl-problem.h:8
@ alpaqa_register_arg_strings
The alpaqa_register_arg_t::data pointer points to a dynamic C++ std::span of std::string_view.
Definition dl-problem.h:56
uint64_t alpaqa_dl_abi_version_t
Definition dl-problem.h:34
User-provided argument that is passed to the problem registration functions.
Definition dl-problem.h:65
void read_row(std::istream &is, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::VectorX< Eigen::Index > > v, char sep)
Definition csv.hpp:37
void set_params(T &t, std::string_view prefix, std::span< const std::string_view > options, std::optional< std::span< unsigned > > used=std::nullopt)
Overwrites t based on the options that start with prefix.
Definition params.hpp:49
typename Conf::mvec mvec
Definition config.hpp:89
typename Conf::real_t real_t
Definition config.hpp:86
typename Conf::mmat mmat
Definition config.hpp:94
typename Conf::cmvec cmvec
Definition config.hpp:90
static auto member_caller()
Wrap the given member function or variable into a (possibly generic) lambda function that accepts the...
Definition dl-problem.h:804
Double-precision double configuration.
Definition config.hpp:176
C API providing function pointers to problem functions.
Definition dl-problem.h:210
void(* cleanup)(void *)
Pointer to the function to clean up instance.
Definition dl-problem.h:456
alpaqa_exception_ptr_t * exception
Pointer to an exception that ocurred during problem creation.
Definition dl-problem.h:462
void * instance
Owning pointer.
Definition dl-problem.h:452
alpaqa_problem_functions_t * functions
Non-owning pointer, lifetime at least as long as instance.
Definition dl-problem.h:454