alpaqa 1.0.0a10
Nonconvex constrained optimization
No Matches
UnconstrProblem< Conf > Member List

This is the complete list of members for UnconstrProblem< Conf >, including all inherited members.

eval_g(crvec, rvec) constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
eval_grad_g_prod(crvec, crvec, rvec grad) constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
eval_grad_gi(crvec, index_t, rvec grad_gi) constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
eval_inactive_indices_res_lna(real_t, crvec, crvec, rindexvec J) constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
eval_jac_g(crvec, rindexvec, rindexvec, rvec) constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
eval_proj_diff_g(crvec, rvec) constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
eval_proj_multipliers(rvec, real_t) constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
eval_prox_grad_step(real_t γ, crvec x, crvec grad_ψ, rvec x̂, rvec p) constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
get_m() constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
get_n() constUnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
nUnconstrProblem< Conf >
operator=(const UnconstrProblem &)=defaultUnconstrProblem< Conf >
operator=(UnconstrProblem &&) noexcept=defaultUnconstrProblem< Conf >
resize(length_t n)UnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
UnconstrProblem(length_t n)UnconstrProblem< Conf >inline
UnconstrProblem(const UnconstrProblem &)=defaultUnconstrProblem< Conf >
UnconstrProblem(UnconstrProblem &&) noexcept=defaultUnconstrProblem< Conf >