10CUTEST_cofg : function value and possibly gradient
11CUTEST_cofsg : function value and possibly gradient in sparse format
12CUTEST_ccfg : constraint functions values and possibly gradients
13CUTEST_clfg : Lagrangian function value and possibly gradient
14CUTEST_cgr : constraints gradients and gradient of objective/Lagrangian function
15CUTEST_csgr : constraints gradients and gradient of objective/Lagrangian function
16CUTEST_ccfsg : constraint functions values and possibly their gradients in sparse format
17CUTEST_ccifg : single constraint function value and possibly its gradient
18CUTEST_ccifsg : single constraint function value and possibly gradient in sparse format
19CUTEST_cgrdh : constraints gradients, Hessian of Lagrangian function and gradient of objective/Lagrangian function
20CUTEST_cdh : Hessian of the Lagrangian
21CUTEST_cdhc : Hessian of the constraint part of the Lagrangian
22CUTEST_cshp : sparsity pattern of the Hessian of the Lagrangian function
23CUTEST_csh : Hessian of the Lagrangian, in sparse format
24CUTEST_cshc : Hessian of the constraint part of the Lagrangian, in sparse format
25CUTEST_ceh : sparse Lagrangian Hessian matrix in finite element format
26CUTEST_cifn : problem function value
27CUTEST_cigr : gradient of a problem function
28CUTEST_cisgr : gradient of a problem function in sparse format
29CUTEST_cidh : Hessian of a problem function
30CUTEST_cish : Hessian of an individual problem function, in sparse format
31CUTEST_csgrsh : constraints gradients, sparse Lagrangian Hessian and the gradient of either the objective/Lagrangian in sparse format
32CUTEST_csgreh : constraint gradients, the Lagrangian Hessian in finite element format and the gradient of either the objective/Lagrangian in sparse format
33CUTEST_chprod : matrix-vector product of a vector with the Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian
34CUTEST_cshprod : matrix-vector product of a sparse vector with the Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian
35CUTEST_chcprod : matrix-vector product of a vector with the Hessian matrix of the constraint part of the Lagrangian
36CUTEST_cshcprod : matrix-vector product of a spaarse vector with the Hessian matrix of the constraint part of the Lagrangian
37CUTEST_cjprod : matrix-vector product of a vector with the Jacobian of the constraints, or its transpose
38CUTEST_csjprod : matrix-vector product of a sparse vector with the Jacobian of the constraints, or its transpose
39CUTEST_cchprods : matrix-vector products of a vector with each of the Hessian matrices of the constraint functions